Olivia was pacing back and forth in the living room, contemplating a way to make it so that people see her as capable of being a good care giver to Eclipse. I have to appear as a warm woman, who only wants to give Eclipse the best life that she could ask for. But how on earth could I do that, when I don't know a damn thing about people who currently have her. Who is to say that they won't make an attempt to adopt her to try and keep her away from me? God, I need to call Norman and see if I can drop by his house and speak with him about all that is on my mind right now. If I don't vent to somebody about all that is on my mind, my brain might explode, Olivia thought to herself before making her way to the phone, picking it up, dialing Norman's house phone; hoping that Norman would be the one to answer the phone.

Olivia waited impatiently as she listened to the phone ring. Come on Norman. I know you're home. I didn't see you walking around the White Tower, neither had anyone else who was still there as I was making my way out the door. Don't ignore my calls Norman, because you won't like what I would do, should you not answer this phone, Olivia thought to herself. Olivia was about to hang up the phone and call again, when she heard someone pick up the phone.

"Hello," the person said.

"Norman," Olivia asked.

"No. This is Mary Godfrey. May I ask who is calling," Mary asked.

"Oh, Mary. I'm hurt that you don't recognize your own sister-in-law. It's me, Olivia Godfrey. You know J.R's widow," Olivia said.

"Olivia, you and I both know that we barely speak to each other; let alone go out of our way to reach out to one another. The last time you and I spoke to one another was when I gave you, my condolences. That was the only time I spoke with you. After that, you always went out of your way to avoid talking to me," Mary explained before letting out an annoyed sigh. "What do you want Olivia? Because I don't have all day to stay on the phone, playing games with you. I have important things that need to be taken care of, that doesn't involve you."

"Is Noman there? I need to speak to him," Olivia asked.

"He's here, but he's not coming to the phone. Norman told me to tell anyone who calls that he's not accepting any calls. He's busy with more important things," Mary explained.

"Maybe you can drop in and tell him that his loving sister-in-law is on the phone and that she would love to speak with him about something really important," Olivia tried once more, growing annoyed with Mary.

"Olivia, let me point some things out to you. First of all, I don't work for you. So, I don't have to go and disturb my husband while he is taking care of things for his job. Secondly, you need to realize that Norman has a family which he is happy with. So, he's not going to drop everything to speak with you. My husband works hard, that way he can free up some time to spend with his family, which is something I suggest you do, because Roman is turning out to be a little too out of control for my liking, an di don't want Letha to pick up anything from him. Letha is a good daughter who would never do anything to go out of her way to disappoint her father and I,' Mary said.

Olivia rolled her eyes at the lecture that Mary was trying to give her. "I hate to break it to you Mary, but Letha isn't as innocent as you make her out to be. She's a grown young woman who goes out and makes questionable decisions like any other teenager who is dealing with raging hormones. You only want to believe that Letha isn't doing anything bad, because you know that if you learn the truth, that you will grow highly disappointed in your daughter. Which is okay to be disappointed with her. Not everyone can be as perfect as my son. Now, be a dear and let Norman know that I am on my way over. I have something that I seriously need to talk to him about. And it doesn't involve you." Shortly after, Olivia hung up the phone not giving Mary a chance to reply.

Mary hung up fighting the urge to scream in annoyance, when Norman walked into the living room, noticing how angry she looked.

"Alright, who was it on the phone? What did they say or do to make you this upset, that you look like you want to punch holes in the wall," Norman asked.

"Olivia called demanding to speak with you about something important," Mary said.

Norman rolled his eyes hearing that. "Did she say what it was about?"

"She told me that it didn't concern me, and that it is between you and her; and that is all she said before she started speaking low about Letha and what not. Oh, and she also was so nice to put Roman on a high pedestal, saying that he could never do anything wrong and that he is nothing but a perfect child," Mary said growing annoyed that Olivia had the nerve to cross the line and insult her daughter. "Be ready for a visit, because I'm pretty sure Olivia is hopping into her car now that way she can come over and speak with you face to face."

"Oh god help me," Norman said.

"Norman," Mary said gaining his attention. "Make sure you don't leave Olivia alone. I don't want her snooping around Eclipse's room."

"I will make sure to keep Olivia downstairs, that way she won't be tempted to go snooping through Eclipse's room," Norman said.

"Good. Oh, and I want Olivia gone before Eclipse comes back home. I'm sure Eclipse had gone for a walk to clear her head a bit. But should she come home and spot Olivia sitting in the living room, she might lose it. That and I don't want Olivia knowing that we are the ones who have Eclipse, because this is a safe place for her away from Olivia and Roman," Mary warned.

"Mary, you have nothing to worry about. Olivia will be in and out. Then she will be sent on her way before Eclipse makes her way home. I promise," Norman said.

Roman's Property, Peter's MateWhere stories live. Discover now