Chapter 4

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Eclipse continued running through the woods without a care in the world. She had gone so long being denied the freedom of what she truly wanted, that the thought of how Roman would punish her once he managed to find her never entered her mind.

Oh, how I long to just be free to run like this in the woods every day without having to answer to someone. Unfortunately, where I currently live, they would never allow this to happen. That and there is no doubt in my mind that I will be punished for this. So, I might as well enjoy the run now while I can, Eclipse thought to herself as she ran father and father into the woods.

Eclipse only stopped to sniff the air when an unexpected scent hit her nose. Is it possible that another wolf resides here in Hemlock Grove? I must get a closer look, Eclipse thought to herself before shifting back into a human, putting her clothes back on before proceeding to follow the path where the scent was leading her.

It didn't take long for Eclipse to find the source of the amazing scent she followed. Hiding behind a tree, Eclipse looked around and spotted a boy around the same age as her, speaking with the girl she knew all too well; Christina Wendell.

Eclipse remained quiet listening into the conversation that was taking place between the strange boy and Christina. It wasn't long before Christina finally announced that she had to head back home and said goodbye to the boy before turning and walking away from him.

Peter stood there watching as the girl named Christina Wendell had finally made her way up the stairs and out of sight. About damn time she left. She asked way too many personal questions, and made some crazy accusations. But I didn't want her hanging around to listen to all that I have to say to the person who is hiding behind me somewhere among the trees. They must think that I can't smell their intriguing scent, but I can and it's addicting, Peter thought.

"As much as I love the idea of a secret admirer checking me out from behind, I think it would be even better if I had a chance to speak to you; you know to get to know you a little better. Unless you want me to call you my personal stalker, I'm fine with doing that too," Peter said in a joking way. The woman stepped out from behind the tree revealing herself, causing Peter's smile to drop. "'re the girl who I have been dreaming about."

"You know what they say about dreams, don't you," The girl asked, taking a step closer to Peter.

"That they are used to send messages? You had been asking me to come find you for quite a while now," Peter stated.

"That I have. But I'm glad that you finally found me. I need your help with breaking away from the place that I live in now," the girl said.

"Is that the reason why you were contacting me through my dreams," Peter asked.

"No. But I can't tell you the other reason. That is something that you have to figure out on your own. I'm sorry about contacting you through your dreams. I had no other way to get through to you. Besides, Destiny told me that it would work," The girl said.

"Wait, how do you know Destiny," Peter asked.

"Destiny is my only friend who gives a damn about my wellbeing. How do you know her," The girl asked.

"Destiny is my cousin. My name is Peter...Peter Rumancek. What's your name," Peter asked.

"Eclipse," Eclipse said. "I truly am happy that you have arrived. I thought that I was going to have to give up on waiting and be with someone else."

It all clicked in Peter's head as to why this girl was so important to him. And the thought of someone else taking her away from him caused Peter to growl. "I don't ever want to hear you say something like that again. You are mine, just like I am yours. Now that we have found each other we will be together until we take our very last breath. I want you to stay with me."

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