Chapter 2

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Roman rushed to get dressed making his way down the stairs, spotting Eclipse and Shelley sitting at the table working on something together. "It sure does warm my heart to see two of my favorite ladies working together. Eclipse, Olivia tells me that you have been asking her to go out for a run in the woods."

"I haven't been able to do much running in the woods. I didn't think you wanted me to ask you about it," Eclipse began to explain.

"Now why wouldn't I want you to come to me, if you have a question to ask," Roman asked.

"There are some days that you don't want to be bothered. I wasn't sure which day it was today," Eclipse replied.

"You know you could always come to me with any questions that you may have. The only one who I don't want to bother me most days is Olivia," Roman explained. "Now, let's go. You and I must go to school clothes shopping. Afterwards, we're going to drop by and pick up Letha, so that way we can spend the day with her before school starts."

"I'd rather sit this one out," Eclipse said.

"But you and Letha get along with one another. Why would you sit this out," Roman asked.

"Because of Letha's mother. I know your aunt Mary doesn't like me. She always has something not so nice to say about me," Eclipse said.

"If my aunt Mary has something rude to say about you, then I will put her in her place. Now, why don't we get out of here before Olivia comes down and ruins my day even more," Roman said grabbing Eclipse's hand and pulling her towards the front door.

Roman pulled Eclipse toward the red car only to have her stop in her tracks. "What's wrong?"

"You said we were going to pick up Letha. If we take this car, how on earth are you going to fit her in the car with us," Eclipse said.

"Letha can drive her own car to meet us at the shops. Then afterwards we can all go and do something fun together," Roman said.

"Or I can stay behind and hang out with Shelley for the day. She and I haven't done that in quite a while," Eclipse tried to reason.

Roman glared at Eclipse. "You're not getting out of hanging out with Letha and I. You can forget about hanging out with Shelley tonight. You two will see each other in school."

"As well as Letha and I, but you are still making me go with you wherever it is that you are planning on taking her," Eclipse snapped.

"Enough! The decision has already been made; you are going to hang out with Letha and I. That is final," Roman said. "Now get your ass in the car before I take away any personal time that you have with Shelley and make it so that you aren't registered in school and keep you home like a good little pet that you are."

"It would most likely be better than being forced to go places that I don't want to go. You know Letha's mother has something against me. She's always giving me dirty looks, even though I never did anything wrong. But you still make me go to Letha's house every time I voice my concern," Eclipse said before climbing into the car.

Roman climbed in after not saying another word to Eclipse as he started up the car and pulled away from the house. If only there was some way for me to get away from Roman, so that way I can go for a run in the woods. I can't take another moment of walking around on the Godfrey mansion's ground. I need to go to the woods and see what mysterious hidden secrets that I can find there, Eclipse thought to herself as she watched the scenery go by.

Roman pulled into the parking lot of the candy/ice cream parlor, causing Eclipse to turn and look at him. "Why are we here? You told your mother that you were going to go to the store and buy yourself some new clothes."

"I will. But I wanted to get some ice cream," Roman said.

Eclipse rolled her eyes. "We both know that you are here to find yourself a woman who is willing to screw you."

"I wouldn't have to go and do this if you gave me what I wanted," Roman stated.

"I told you I can't do that for...for reasons that you would never understand. May I please get permission to walk around the shops, while you get screwed," Eclipse asked.

"If I let you wander around, you better hope that nobody goes back to Olivia and says anything about this," Roman said.

"I'm simply walking around the shops looking at clothes like your mother wanted us to do. She can't get mad if one of us is listening to her," Eclipse said before getting out of the car and walking away.

Roman sat there watching Eclipse walk away, before getting out of the car, making his way into the ice cream parlor. I will find a way to get you to give into me. There is only so much you can keep ushing me away, before you finally give me what I want from you, Roman thought to himself.

Eclipse was wandering around the store looking at different things, when an all too familiar scent invaded her nose. Turning around, Eclipse spotted her good friend standing there. "Destiny...what are you doing here? Roman is close by."

"Oh, calm yourself chick. I saw Roman making his way to his car with a whore. Thank God, she owed me a favor. So, this means that we have plenty of time to get caught up with one another. How have you been? Are the Godfrey's allowing you a little freedom to go running in the woods yet?"

"No. Olivia is still being strict on the no running in the woods rule. She keeps arguing that there is enough land around the mansion for me to run around on. But she also knows that Sheriff Sworn isn't particularly fond of the idea of a wolf running around on the yard of a private residence," Eclipse answered.

"Does Sheriff Sworn know what you truly are," Destiny asked.

"I think he does. I don't know though. He might think it's conscience that I share the same name as their pet. He was nice enough to stop Olivia's abuse on me, the night she thought that I disobeyed her no woods rule. He took me to his house for the week. While I was there recovering, I believe the twins grew particularly attached to me, along with the Sheriff," Eclipse said.

"Let me guess, Olivia had a tantrum and demanded that Sworn give you back before she made it so that he lost his job," Destiny asked. When Eclipse didn't reply, Destiny nodded. "Knew it. Olivia is an overgrown spoiled child, who needs money and sex to get what she wants from life. And you need to find a way to get away from that situation before Olivia loses her mind one night and really does something to hurt you."

"I'm not all that worried about Olivia hurting me. The one who I'm more concerned about is Roman. He keeps pressuring me into sleeping with him. But I just can't give in like he wants me to. I feel like there is someone out there who truly completes me. I hope to be able to save myself for that person. You know," Eclipse said.

"I understand Eclipse. Hopefully you can keep fighting Roman off a tad bit longer, just until we can find a way to safely remove you from the Godfrey household," Destiny said before walking away. Oh, I hope for her sake that Eclipse is okay. Though I have a feeling I know who the other half is that she is looking for, but I don't want to say anything. If she and the guy who I think she is meant to be with are meant for each other, then they would have the dream linking them, and guiding them to one another. But I can only wait and see if I'm right about this. Both Eclipse and her other half truly deserve to be happy together. I won't allow anyone to get in the way of this happiness coming together either, Destiny thought to herself.

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