Chapter 6

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Peter growled at the thought of another man making an attempt to steal the woman who was made for him. "Destiny, we have to figure out a way to get Eclipse away from the family that she lives with."

"Peter there is no way that we can get Eclipse out of that house without any proof that they are doing anything to put her in danger, or leaving marks on her, showing that they are abusing her. If we so much as make any accusations against this family, they will only hire the best of lawyers who will make sure that the Godfrey family would win the case. We just have to wait for Roman to fuck up, as well as wait for Eclipse to come to us, and let us know that Roman is abusing her," Destiny said. "But on a lighter note, I know that you had mentioned that you told Lynda that you would go and pick up a pizza. Don't want to leave Lynda waiting any longer. If we do that, then she might start calling my phone, panicking and questioning me whether or not if you have gotten yourself in trouble."

"That would be a bad thing. It's bad enough Lynda thinks that I may have caused trouble in the last place, all because of someone learned about my little secret. Which led us to leave. Hence why we are here now," Peter explained while he and Destiny made their way to where the car was parked. Peter climbed into the driver's seat of the car making his way back to the local Pizzeria that he originally was going to grab pizza from.

Lynda was back at the trailer setting everything up the way she wanted it to be, to make it feel more like home.

Some time had passed, and Lynda was beginning to worry about where Peter and Eclipse were. Where on earth is Peter and Eclipse? I sent them to go grab some pizza from town an hour ago. I hope nothing happened to them while they were getting the pizza. Oh my goodness, what if Peter and Eclipse got into trouble while finding a good place to grab pizza? Maybe I should call Destiny. Maybe Peter and Eclipse dropped by her apartment to have a nice little chat with her or something. Maybe Peter got excited about meeting the young woman from his dream, and wanted Destiny to meet her as well. I really need to calm down and stop thinking about the worst scenario that could happen. I'm just going to give Destiny a quick call just to put my mind at ease, Lynda thought to herself as she grabbed her phone, dialing Destiny's number waiting for Destiny to answer her phone.

A few minutes later Lynda heard Destiny's voice greeting her.

"Hello Destiny. I was wondering if you had seen or her from Peter and his new friend that he made," Lynda asked.

"Hi Lynda. I have Peter here with me. We are going to grab pizza before we make our way back to the trailer. Peter kind of got sidetracked and wanted some advice. He had a bit of a run in with a rich asshole of the town," Destiny began explaining.

Lynda let out a sigh, silently hoping that it wasn't who she thought it was. "Please tell me that Peter didn't have a run in with anyone from the Godfrey family."

"Unfortunately, Peter did have a run in with one of the members of the Godfrey family. From what Peter was telling me it didn't go to well. The son was quick to lose his shit on Eclipse right in front of Peter, which almost set him off," Destiny began to say.

"Is Eclipse alright? Is she there with you and Peter right now? Please don't tell me something happened to her, or that Peter exposed his secret to the boy," Lynda began worrying.

"Lynda, Eclipse was taken back to the place where she is currently living. The boy Roman was on the lookout for her. And he spotted Eclipse and Peter hanging out together. Roman apparently lost his marbles and yelled at Eclipse. I'm sure that Roman most likely took Eclipse back home and is most likely punishing her for being disobedient. If anyone who has encountered the Godfrey's know what the Godfrey's are like when they are angry," Destiny said.

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