Chapter 15

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Roman glared straight ahead not liking Letha's attitude. He knew Letha was hiding something from him. Roman kept thinking about what Letha could be hiding from him, when an idea popped into his head to help him get his cousin to speak.

"Since you don't seem to have any clue as to where Eclipse might be staying, maybe we should swing by the Gypsy boys house and see if he has any clue as to where Eclipse might be staying. I bet he would have answers for me, since you seem to not know anything about Eclipses whereabouts," Roman said while beginning to make the drive to Peter's home.

Letha glared at Roman. "Why can't you be normal?"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean," Roman snapped at Letha.

"What it means is you have a very unhealthy obsession with Peter. The poor guy literally moved to Hemlock Grove, is having to adjust to new friends, new home and a new school; and you go and accuse him of causing every little thing that has gone wrong or didn't go your way. Give the poor guy a damn break. What if he doesn't have a clue as to where Eclipse is? Are you going to accuse him of keeping her locked away from you, so he can have sex with her whenever he damn well pleases," Letha snapped back.

"If you snap at me one more time, I will cut your damn tongue out, so that way you can no longer speak. Are we clear? Now be a good cousin and shut the hell up and allow me the chance to get to the bottom of things," Roman said while continuing the drive to Peter's house, hoping to catch Eclipse there.

Oh Eclipse, I hope that you are on your way back to the house now. Roman is more than determined to get you back. He's not determined to hurt Peter for even hanging around with you. And he won't stop until he gets what he wants; and that is to put Peter in his place and show Peter that you belong to him. Roman refuses to stop until he has you back in his home, where he can do whatever the hell, he wants with you and get away with it, Letha thought to herself all while Roman was speeding towards the trailer.

Peter held Eclipse close to himself nuzzling her and enjoying being able to hold her in his arms. Peter was enjoying the feeling so much that he didn't want to let Eclipse go. Not even as he heard an engine pulling up at the top of the stairs behind his mother's car.

Eclipse turned to Peter with a worried look on her face. "Peter, Roman is here. I have to hide before he makes his way down the stairs and spots me in your arms."

"Everything will be fine. Roman can't take you back to his house unless he wants to make his mother look even more unfit for helping care for you," Peter said while keeping a protective arm wrapped around Eclipse.

Roman stormed down the stairs, rage filling his eyes, while Letha followed behind giving Eclipse an apologetic look. "So, you have been hiding out here, whoring around with the Gypsy boy. I knew the very moment that you would leave my home, you would come running to him, spreading your legs for him. That is the only reason why I could think that you would concoct a plan to be removed from my home."

"Roman leave Eclipse alone. I know she wouldn't go and jump into bed with just anyone," Letha said.

Roman turned his glare on Letha. "You stay the hell out of this Letha. You have caused more than enough trouble. If you open your damn mouth to speak again, I will punish you too."

"Hey douche bag," Peter said gaining Roman's attention. "Why don't you leave the poor girl alone? She doesn't have anything to do with this. Leave her out of this. And if you want to fight someone, then you can fight me."

"I will do more than fight you. I will make sure that you no longer see Eclipse again," Roman said.

Peter let out a laugh. "You seem quite confident that you will get a chance to beat on me. Then again if you're itching to fight with someone, and you go through with it, you have two witnesses standing here; who will gladly tell the court you are a danger to Eclipse. Should the court hear about you beating me, that will only serve against you and your case to get Eclipse back in your home...which I will personally see to it that you never get Eclipse back. I know what you do to her. I know you pressure her into giving herself to you, so that way you can be the only one who can get in her pants. I won't allow you a chance to use her for her body. I won't allow you to use Eclipse for your own sick personal use. If you so much as make any attempt to touch my mate in a sexual way, then you won't live long enough to regret it. Eclipse is my mate, and I will protect her with my life, just to make sure that no other man gets the chance to take her away from me," Peter said while tightening his grip on Eclipse.

Roman's Property, Peter's MateWhere stories live. Discover now