Chapter 1

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Another long road trip, no particular destination in mind as long as they managed to find a place where nobody knew his secret. The very secret that always tormented all the townsfolk and caused them to chase the family of two out of their home. At least that is what Peter thought as he stared out the window watching as the scene passed him by, while his mother focused on getting them to where they would be living safely.

"Any clue as to where we are heading to this time," Peter asked while turning his attention to his mother.

"Remember your uncle Vince? You know the one who had the trailer in the middle of the woods," Lynda asked.

"Yeah, what about it," Peter asked with little interest.

"Well, that is our new home," Lynda said.

"How can you be so sure that we will be safe there," Peter asked.

"Because it's Hemlock Grove, Pennsylvania. It's known to have something strange going on with it. Besides that, we're in the middle of the woods. Nobody is going to want to venture to the middle of the woods looking for trouble," Lynda said before taking a quick glance noticing that something was off about Peter. "You have been having those dreams about the she wolf again, haven't you?"

"What makes you say that," Peter asked.

"Peter, I'm your mother. I know these things. Besides you have been having these dreams since you hit puberty. Who knows, maybe the she wolf that you're looking for is in Hemlock Grove, waiting for your arrival so the both of you can meet," Lynda said.

"Yeah? Well, when we finally arrive at our place of residence, wake me up," Peter said before closing his eyes, drifting off to sleep. The moment Peter closed his eyes, he was greeted by the same scenery that had been haunting him since he became of age. This is a dream. Peter knew that all too well. In a few seconds the she wolf would be making her way into his dream, walking towards him with a smile upon her lips and a whole lot of love to be seen in her eyes. Like clockwork the girl that haunted his dream made her way towards him, sitting down next to him leaning her head on his shoulder. They would remain like that throughout his dream, without saying a word to the other. Just sitting together enjoying the scenery as Peter slowly snaked a possessive arm around her waist, pulling her closer towards himself, if that were remotely possible. It was dreams like this that Peter had always hated waking up from, because every time he woke up, he was always looking for the girl who is always by his side in the dreams.

"Why do you torture me? I get to see you here in my dreams. But why haven't I found you in real life yet," Peter asked.

The girl turned to look at Peter. "It's because you haven't found me yet. You are getting closer. Soon we will be meeting one another. But be careful. There are many hidden secrets in Hemlock Grove. Also don't do anything to get yourself caught. I need you to come and save me from this hell that I'm living in right now," the girl begged before getting up and running off.

"Wait," Peter called out while jumping up and began chasing after the girl. "Don't run! Everything is going to be alright!"

The girl never stopped running. Instead, she only ran faster as if she were going to be punished if she were caught with him.

Peter gasped as he jumped awake, looking around at his surroundings, a bit confused. "Where are we?"

"We're at our new home for the time being. You fell asleep. I thought you could use it since you have been restless at night," Lynda said before noticing the distraught look on her son's face. "You had the dream again, didn't you? Did she tell you who she is; or what she wants from you?"

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