Chapter 3

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Destiny was making her way to the diner to grab some lunch before she made her way back home. As Destiny was making her way in, she accidentally bumped into Sheriff Sworn. "So sorry Sheriff Sworn. Was just looking to grab a quick bite to eat."

"It's alright Ms. Rumancek," Tom said. "How is Eclipse holding up?"

"Truthfully Olivia is tightening the leash on her. She won't allow my friend Eclipse to do anything without Roman around. I fear that Roman is going to do something unforgivable to Eclipse," Destiny said.

"I understand that you're worried about your friend, Ms. Rumancek. But Olivia has not given me reason to think that your friend is in danger. She provides proof that Eclipse is being cared for. Not to mention, they have the money to buy the best lawyers around to ensure that they can win any case presented against them," Tom said.

"Well, I can hope that they mess up and find a lawyer who isn't willing to take on their case and work for them," Destiny said.

"We can only hope that they mess up so I can step in and move Eclipse to a more suitable place for her to be," Tom said before walking away.

I hope for her sake that Sheriff Sworn doesn't wait too long to step in and investigate to see that where Eclipse is living right now is not suitable. Who the hell knows what kind of damage that Roman and Olivia Godfrey are capable of causing my friend, Destiny thought to herself.

Destiny wasn't paying attention to where she was walking when she accidentally bumped into someone. As she was getting ready to apologize, Destiny stopped herself short. "Well, if it isn't Olivia Godfrey."

"Is there something I can do for you commoner? Because I'm a highly busy woman and I don't have any time to play games with you," Olivia said.

"Why do you insist on pushing your son Roman, and my friend Eclipse into having a relationship? Can't you see that they are not happy together," Destiny asked.

"On the contrary Roman is quite happy with Eclipse. She will learn to be love Roman, once she gets the silly idea that her 'other half' is out there looking for her. Once she starts to accept that Roman is all the man that she needs, everything will be alright," Olivia explained.

"You know as well as I do that that is not the case. Eclipse is special. She feels in her heart when she has found the person who completes her. That obviously isn't Roman," Destiny said.

"With time Roman will get Eclipse to see everything. She will accept the way things are. Until then, Roman and Eclipse will have to do things together," Olivia said.

"People talk Olivia. They also see how unhappy Eclipse is. It's only a matter of time before they start talking about the way you force Eclipse to be in an unhappy relationship with your son," Destiny snapped.

Olivia laughed. "As I have said, Roman and Eclipse will spend time together until she learns to love him. Now if you will excuse me; I have some business to attend to." Olivia walked away leaving a flustered Destiny behind. I seriously hope that that family messes up so bad, that they can't cover their tracks, Destiny thought to herself.

Eclipse was looking through racks of clothes seeing if anything caught her eye. Eclipse continued to look through the racks of clothes unaware that somebody was standing behind her, watching her every move.

"What in the hell are you doing alone," Olivia spoke up causing Eclipse to turn around and face her.

"Olivia, I...I was only trying to find some new clothes for myself," Eclipse replied.

"You know the rules about wandering around by yourself. I'll just have to take you back home until Roman comes home. Then he can deal with you," Olivia said as she went to grab for Eclipse.

"Olivia, don't you dare touch Eclipse. She's done nothing wrong. I told her that she could go and look for some new clothes for herself. It wasn't like Eclipse was alone. She was in a section where I could keep an eye on her, while looking for new clothes myself. I figured it would get us out of the ships faster if we split up to shop," Roman defended while walking up to Eclipse and placing an arm around her waist.

"You place too much trust into the girl. What would you have done had she managed to slip away from you," Olivia asked as though Eclipse wasn't standing there.

"I know better than to run away from," Eclipse began only to stop when Olivia glared at her. Olivia then turned her heated gaze to her son.

"You have nothing to worry about. Eclipse wouldn't dream about running away from me. She knows where she has it good. Have a little faith in Eclipse," Roman said.

"The day I have any faith in the mutt, is the day that she finally accepts the house rules and stops asking to go for a run in the woods," Olivia said.

"I think I would like to go wait for you in the car now," Eclipse said hiding the hurt in her tone.

"That won't be necessary darling. Afterall you are out at the shops looking for new clothes for school," Olivia said looking down seeing a few outfits in Eclipse's arms. Olivia was quick to take them and give them the once over before nodding. "You might want to add a few skirts in there, darling."

"I think the clothes that I picked are fine," Eclipse snapped at Olivia before turning to Roman. "May I please go wait for you in the car while you finish up in here? I need time to think away from your mother, before she goes and pushes me over the edge."

"You can go wait by the car. I have a few things to grab. After that I'll pay and be right out. I promise I won't keep you waiting too long," Roman said.

"Oh, please do take your time. Wouldn't want the whore getting upset that you were rushed on my behalf. Afterall, I'm just a mutt in her eyes," Eclipse snapped before walking away.

"Why did you say that about her," Roman snapped at his mother.

"I only said it because she is a shifter," Olivia said.

"Because of you, I may have to put a little more effort in getting her to give into me. Why couldn't you have kept the anger that you saw her alone seep away? Don't deny it either. It's the reason why you called her a mutt in the first place. You want Eclipse to feel the need to be by my side; you need to play nicely with her. But you are doing the complete opposite. You're not helping the situation; you're only hurting it," Roman snapped.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "I'll find a way to make it up to Eclipse, without giving into what she truly wants."

Eclipse was making her way to the car, trying to forget about what Olivia said about her. As Eclipse was approaching the car, she thought about how hurt she was by Olivia's mutt comment. I haven't been anything but obedient and followed all the rules that Olivia Godfrey had put in place for me. For her to go and call me a mutt was very uncalled for. I'm not going to take it. Not this time. Today is going to be the day that I go and do something that I have been wanting to do for a while. I'm gonna go and run in the woods. I don't need Olivia's or Roman's permission to go and do so, Eclipse thought as she looked back at the shop one last time to make sure that Roman and Olivia were not making their way out of the ship. When Eclipse saw that she was in the clear, she wasted no time in running off in the direction leading to the woods. Eclipse didn't stop until she was safely sheltered by the trees. Eclipse quickly stripped down before changing into her wolf form. She then picked up the clothes and carried them as she ran deeper into the woods, enjoying the freedom that she had been denied for so long.

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