Chapter 8

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The next morning Eclipse woke to Roman's alarm going off. Eclipse reached overturning the alarm off, before turning her attention to the still sleeping Roman. Eclipse shook Roman, which earned her an annoyed groan in return, before Roman opened his eyes glaring at Eclipse.

"Is there a reason as to why you are waking me up at this ungodly hour in the morning," Roman asked.

"We have to get up and get ready to go to school. It's our first day back. I don't want to be late on our first day back," Eclipse said while getting out of bed, before making her way to the closet grabbing her clothes for the day, before heading to the bathroom to take care of her morning routine, as well as cover up the bruise that Roman left behind on her cheek.

Roman remained in bed for a few more minutes, before getting up and doing his morning routine as well. Roman walked into the bathroom, spotting Eclipse finishing brushing her hair. "I don't understand why you get so excited for school. It's basically a damn prison to keep us busy all day, taking notes, doing assigned reading, taking tests and doing projects, reports and presentations. That's all the things that I consider to be torture."

"You only consider them to be torture, because you don't want to do any of that. If you had your way, you would be screwing every female in the school, minus Shelley, Letha and I," Eclipse said.

"I would gladly screw you, but you're always turning down all of my advances. I keep telling you that it's easier to give me what I want. But you keep insisting that you can't do that. Which by the way is complete bullshit. We both know that you are more than capable of having sex with me. All you have to do is let go of your belief that you are going to end up with the one who is meant to be your 'mate.' When will you come to terms with the idea that you are mine? There is no denying it. Once you give into that, everything will be so much easier," Roman said while wrapping an arm around Eclipse's waist. "Besides, there is nothing wrong with screwing the day away with a few breaks here and there."

"Is that all you think about; sex? You know there is a lot more to life than sex, drugs and pouting about not getting what you want from me. Besides, I happen to like attending school, because it helps loosen up the grip that you have on me. I can be myself and speak to people who may share a common interest with me. That and I don't have to constantly deal with all the insults that your mother keeps sending my way every chance that she gets. And if she's not insulting me, she's always glaring at me. I know your mother doesn't like me, because of what I am. She will never approve of me. Yet she's hell bent on keeping me here," Eclipse said unaware that Olivia was in Roman's room.

Both Roman and Eclipse walked out of the bathroom spotting Olivia standing there. "What do you want Olivia? As you can see, Eclipse and I are awake."

"I wanted to make sure that both of you grabbed breakfast before making your way to school. That and I was going to see if Eclipse wanted to ride with Shelley and I to school," Olivia said.

"Olivia, you and I both know that you have some secret agenda to insult Eclipse. Besides, you know that I never let you drive Eclipse to school. Now why don't you move along and get Shelley to school. I will be the one who worries about myself and Eclipse," Roman said.

"Right. Make sure you eat. And don't' be late for school," Olivia said before walking out of Roman's room.

Eclipse turned to give Roman a pointed look. "I told you that she was looking for an opportunity to insult me. Yet you didn't want to believe me."

"I was quick to decline her offer for you. Though I doubt she would have done so in front of Shelley. Shelley would come to me if Olivia were to say or do anything that would upset you. Which would then result in Olivia and I exchanging words, and her storming off to the bar looking for a cheap fuck," Roman said.

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