She's A Bit Clumsy (Gruvia)

Start from the beginning

"Gray-sama stop! You'll hurt your hands!"

Gray ignored Juvia's shouts of worry. By the time their teacher finally realized what was going on, Gray already had Juvia back in his arms along with their backpacks hanging off his shoulders.

"I'm taking her to the infirmary," he announced, not waiting for the teacher's reply.

"Juvia, my darling, are you alright?" Lyon could be heard shouting from somewhere in the classroom.

Juvia was just about to respond before Gray cut her off, "Fuck off Lyon."

Gray sped-walked down the hallway, ignoring the stares that followed them.

"Gray-sama, Juvia thinks you are overreacting a bit. Juvia is sure she can walk just fine."

He ignored her as he entered the nurse's office.

"Ms. Porlyusica, Juvia got burned by some chemicals on her legs," he quickly explained.

Porlyusica let out a huff of annoyance, "You kids can't ever just behave."

As she examined and poked at Juvia's legs, Juvia couldn't help but grab onto Gray's arm to use as support against the pain. Gray let out a growl of discomfort at the realization that he couldn't do anything to help her.

"Who allowed these nuisances to work with such dangerous chemicals?" Porlyusica muttered as she pulled out one of the many tubes in her cabinets before handing it to Gray, "Make sure she applies this to the burned areas every 3 hours for the rest of the week. She'll be fine but the pain will last for another few hours."

It was Gray's turn to huff in annoyance, "There's nothing you can do about it?"

"I did everything I can ungrateful brat! Now get out!"

"W-wait! Ms. Porlyusica, can you tell Gray-sama that it is ok for Juvia to walk on her own?" Juvia quickly requested just as Porlyusica was about to close the door.

Porlyusica rolled her eyes, "Just make sure your legs don't do strenuous activity!"

With that last command, she slammed the door in their faces.

"Ok, thank you!" Juvia shouted, even though the door was already closed.

Gray was quick to return Juvia back in his arms as he walked towards the student parking lot.

"Gray-sama, walking is not a strenuous activity."

"Yeah? I'll agree with you once you can wipe that wince off of your face," he replied harshly.

Despite Gray's rough words and angry facial expression, Juvia was happy that he was clearly worried about her. She felt bad about having him carry her for an injury she felt was pretty minor, but she appreciated the attention he was giving her.

Gray carried her to his car and drove them to her house. He pulled Juvia's house keys from her backpack's front pocket and finally allowed Juvia to stand on her own as he opened the front door— although he kept his arm around her waist so most of her body weight was still being supported by him and not her injured legs.

As an orphan, Juvia didn't have adults to rely on, so when she tried to tell Gray that he really didn't need to stay and fuss over her, he snapped at her to shut up.

"But Gray-sama, Gajeel will be home soon and he can help Juvia," she tried to explain.

Juvia lived with Gajeel who became her guardian despite only being a couple of years older than her. As her cousin, he was all that remained of Juvia's family.

"Gajeel has work tonight, don't lie to me," Gray responded with a pointed glare.

Juvia sighed and laid back on the pillows Gray propped up on her bed. When Gray re-entered her room, he brought two plates of leftovers from the dinner that Gajeel had cooked the night before. Juvia scooched over to one side of her bed to make room for Gray to sit. He sighed in defeat and sat next to her, although he made no effort to get under the covers with her, much to Juvia's disappointment.

They watched movies together until Gajeel got off work. Well, Juvia watched the movies and Gray watched her watch the movies. He made sure to keep an eye on the clock, and just like Porlyusica instructed, he applied the ointment after 3 hours had passed. Juvia was captivated by how gently he applied it to her legs. It had been a while since she was last taken care of with such intensity.

"Does it still hurt?" he asked as he dragged the blankets back over her legs, making sure not to rub it too harshly against her.

"No, Juvia feels all better!" she replied enthusiastically.

Gray glared at her, "What'd I say about lying woman?"

She smiled back innocently, "It only stings a bit, but otherwise it is true. Juvia feels much better all thanks to Gray-sama."

Gray finally felt like he could relax as he leaned back on her bed and let the tension in his shoulders leave. Juvia smiled as she watched him close his eyes. She put her Gray doll on her nightstand before laying on one side to watch as Gray unknowingly drifted into a nap.

Only 30 minutes later and Juvia jumped as her door was aggressively slammed open by her older cousin.

"Rain woman! Why'd I get a call from the school sayin' ya were injured in one of yer classes!?" Gajeel asked angrily.

Levy, his girlfriend who was practically Juvia's mother figure, stood at his side meekly holding onto his arm in an attempt to calm him down.

"Shhh ya big lug!" Levy scolded. "Her boyfriend is sleeping!"

That only managed to get Gajeel angrier as he suddenly realized that there was a boy lying on his little cousin's bed.


Gray groaned as he finally opened his eyes.

"Calm down Gajeel! Gray-sama took care of Juvia, so please do not yell at him," Juvia pleaded.

Gray stood up and addressed Gajeel and Levy, "What's up?"

Gajeel let out a strangled noise but controlled his urge to lunge at the teen before Levy got mad.

"I'm her guardian boy, so next time ya better be more respectful when ya step into my house," Gajeel warned.

Gray rolled his eyes. As a childhood friend of Juvia's, he also grew up with Gajeel and was not remotely as scared of him as others would be at the murderous expression Gajeel was sporting.

"My bad Gajeel. I'll let you handle the rest then," Gray made his way to leave Juvia's room, "I'll come by and pick you up for school tomorrow at 8."

Juvia shouted her bye as Levy ran to hop onto Juvia's bed. She bombarded Juvia with questions about Gray and their relationship's progress, knowing that Juvia has had a long-time crush on the boy.

Meanwhile, Gajeel finally softened up watching his two favorite people brimming with smiles.

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