Go Fish

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It had proven to be a restless night for both of them, but especially Griffin. Apparently his roommate was staying at his girlfriends apartment for a week to take care of her dog while she was on a family vacation.  Which meant the dorm room was horribly quiet, Griffin hated not having someone around. He attributed it to growing up in the foster care system, there was always someone around making noise or even just quietly doing there own thing. This made sleeping extremely difficult for him, he forced himself to go to classes but honestly he learned absolutely nothing. He couldn't focus at all and was just sitting there tired and counting the minutes til he could leave. His mood kept fluctuating, one minute he'd feel okay and the next he would be on the verge of a panic attack.

"Hey you doing okay? Heard you were in the hospital for a day. What happened?" Sarah asked, a girl from his class that was usually his partner for projects and group efforts. They weren't close per say, but she was kind. Just did not have much in common and neither of them really made an effort to speak outside school related topics to one another. In fact besides fuck buddies and convenient drinking party 'friends' Griffin did not really have many people who would actually check up on him. So it made him feel nice to have her ask about him, although he did wonder where she heard it from.

"I'll be alright, I got roofied at a bar but the employees managed to stop the person before anything worse happened. Thank you for asking, but how do you know about it" He asked curiously, he assumed it was just a rumor going around or something similar to that.

"I saw it on the news last night, sounded really scary."

"The news?!" He replied surprised as hell, he wrestled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up google doing a quick search.

"Oh- yeah sorry I figured you knew." Sarah said awkwardly, you could tell by the look on her face that she felt horrible for being the one to break the news to him.

"It's okay I just- I guess I haven't really been on social media since Saturday." He trailed off as he started reading the article he found on the situation.

"Ah okay, yeah it's understandable. Anyway, let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I gotta get to my next class so I'll catch up with you later k?" She answered he just responded with a simple. "Yeah for sure." while his eyes stayed glued to his phone, not even looking up as she walked away. He felt his heart thump loudly in his chest as his eyes read the headline.
"Onlyfans creator and University student Griffin Nguyen roofied at local bar."
He clicked into the article holding his breath as he read it carefully.

"Saturday night at the OffBeat Hideaway bar 25 year old Griffin Nguyen was roofied by an unnamed man in his 30's. The man was attempting to leave the establishment when Young bartender Hector Mazdaki and Assistant manager Maisie Gray intervened. Things resorted in violence but the man was ultimately scared off by Hector Mazdaki's pistol in which he had a conceal and carry permit for. The police are still looking for the assailant and the witnesses were able to give a description for him." His eyes darted towards the comments, and while most were positive and giving their sympathies. But there was of course several that were not so positive and quite disgusting. He felt his emotions begin to become overwhelming as he read them.

Evie Williamson commented: "I mean, he's an Onlyfans whore. People like that always end up in the news one way or another."

Micheal Ervins commented: "The freak probably liked it, incidents like this always reflect the fucked up way f*ggots think. If anything this story is pretty telling for what the lifestyle does to a person."

Brandon Shelling commented: "A gay porn star drugged? So surprising... Honestly it was all probably part of one of his little films."

Amy Staulthults commented: "Oh please, women have to put up with this all the time. Suddenly it's 'news' when it happens to a man? Fuck off with that shit."

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