Still I'm pinching pennies. I paid for my own house on the cliffs on the California coast. I wanted privacy and security. I didn't need anything huge but I wanted space to entertain if I decided to have a party. And I wanted privacy if I decided to entertain in a more personal setting. All of that costs money.

I could have used the family name to get me a better deal in the league but I didn't. I wanted to earn my contract. Just like my Dad and Grandpa did. They were greats in the game. My dad didn't get drafted right after college, he went to Arizona to help Mom get the diner off the ground. Which they did.

They had a plan. The diner was first. A way for Mom to remember her Dad. A good man who was killed by a drunk driver. Mom loved him so much it really broke her heart when he died. Dad said he thought he was going to lose her completely because of it. But he set everything aside for her to help her fulfill her dream.

They worked hard to get the diner off the ground. As a kid I remember Dad working out to stay in shape for the game while he worked at the diner to help Mom. She saw he wasn't going to be happy if he wasn't playing football. So she went to Grandpa Blake and got his help.

Mom didn't want to hold him back from his dreams so Grandpa Blake and Matt McConnell got him on a team. It wasn't the one he wanted, but he was playing. He had to work hard to prove himself and nothing was handed to him but he did it. Eventually he got the team he wanted. I'm going to prove myself too.

Settling down for the night, my feet up, iced down, my food hot, and the remote in hand, I started going through the tapes as I do every night. Two hours every night without fail. I have a schedule. A very strict schedule I don't deviate from for any reason. Even for my best friend.

Taking my notes, I rewound, played and rewound again and again until I got all I could out of the tape. When my two hours were up. I took my dishes to the kitchen and cleaned them up, putting them in the rack for Holly to wash tomorrow. Putting the ice packs back in the freezer, I put my notebook away and went back to the mail.

Looking through the notes Holly left me, there were several calls from the press wanting a statement about the new team owner.

"Yeah, no comment from me," I muttered, tossing those requests in the trash.

Sorting through bills, fan mail and business mail, I'm still trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with some of these requests. I'm asked to make appearances, do signings, and talk shows. I think all this is supposed to go through Dylan.

"I really need an assistant," grumbling because I hate the paperwork side of things, I toss the rest on my desk and head upstairs. I don't want to deal with it anymore tonight.

Making a point to at least watch the last inning of the game, I watched Max score the last run of the game and I saw him win the game. Sending him a quick congratulations on the win, I turned the tv to sports news and went into the bathroom to get a shower.

As I washed up, I listened to the announcer talk about the game and Max's winning run. Heard his stats and listened to the rest of the scores. I tuned out as I scrubbed my hair and tuned back in, when I heard the Bradford name.

"In other news today, Bradford has always been synonymous with royalty in football. But it seems there's a new queen of football and it's Harlowe Segler! The new owner of our very own San Francisco football team has been seen on site today getting friendly with the team and the staff."

"Looks to me like she's definitely friendlier with some of the players on the team. And it's not a surprise to who that someone is either. We happen to catch none other than The Franchise Quarterback himself, Easton Bradford, giving the new owner quite the warm welcome."

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant