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Dreams pov:

I want to marry him. Its was too early I know but I really want to marry him.

The way he laughed at all of sapnap shit jokes about fish and well you know, it made my face heat up and go red. I know this because sapnap, the idiot made me lay down cause he genuinely thought I'd pass out

I pretend I don't like sapnap but I adore him, if he wasn't here then I don't think my George would either. God one day I'm going to hug that man so tight and remind him that he's so much more to me then George's family

I mean I say family.. I'm sure they have fucked but even if they did they have had a fucked up life, they know what your are to eachother and its none of my business. Sapnap has already made a line for how far he'll go since me and George might actually stay together.. his words not mine

I think I might do it, not marry him but I've had another thought in my head that I've been thinking for a while.. something that'll make George so happy. Its might cost me my job though..

I sighed and watched as sapnap and George walked hand in hand down a big tunnel full of tropical fish. My boy had such a big smile on his face, fuck all I want to do is get on one knee right now

Dream don't..  you won't be able to handle it

"Dream! Look at this fish!" George ran up to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me to a small fish that was blue and green with the most prettiest tail "He's us!" George replied and grinned trying to tap the glass

"Dont tap on the poor things glass, I wouldn't want to see your face taht close up neither" sapnap spoke up stopping George from disturbing the fish

George rolled his eyes and gave the man evils, poking him this time

"Dream he's poking me" sapnap uttered trying to get the man off, I grabbed his waist and pulled him back like one of them leash children

"Will you behave please" I whispered in his ear and he groaned turning around

"He keeps starting it!" George groaned and crossing his arms, I sighed

"But your out in public so could you please behave.. please" I whispered in his ear once more and George leaned his head on my shoulder

"Yeah ok, can I have a kiss" he smirked and I leaned down kissing his lips but realising it was a bit too silent

I looked up and noticed sapnap had walked off, I told George to go to the shark tanks again while I just looked around

I went to the normal gold fish, then the cod then I realised that there was a seal enclosure, I noticed that sapnap was sat there staring into it seeing two seals cuddled up together. The information plaque next to the wrote

this is raffy and dud they were found in the small litter but we found out years later they were lovers! First ever homosexual seal lovers!

My heart broke as I realised who sap was thinking about, I sat next to him for  a second not worrying about telling George he knew sap would be ok

"I miss him.. I can tell everyone in this world that I'm glad he's gone but fuck I wish I could hold him one last time and beg him not to leave.. tell him that I atleast love him" sapnap placed his head on my shoulder

"I understand, I mean personally I've only lost a few friends like that but you know" I looked down at him and he looked confused "I've had other friends in that prison but not everyone is as loyal as you and George, when I was young I would give them stuff then get thrown away by them, even the close ones"

"Is it bad that I would still welcome him back with open arms, if he were to show back up I would treat him like nothing happened" he shrugged

"No.. love does crazy shit to you trust me, I've got fist hand experience and before you say you love karl you can but you know you both have something that is unbreakable"

"Was unbreakable.. or so I thought" he uttered "I'm sorry I don't plan to be like this but I just can't stop thinking about him, I'll stop"

"Dont.. keeping things in fucks you up, I know. While you here just.. talk to me please, anything you don't want George to know he won't know but I know what it's like to try keep something in that you just want to scream" I wrapped my arm around him and he placed a head on my shoulder

"Thank you.. for everything. I can pretend I can't stand you but I didn't realise how much of a good person you were" he chuckled, taking a deep breath to make himself more calm

"Excuse me" I giggled and looked down at the now more happy brunette "Why would you think I wasn't nice?" I questioned

"Well George's taste in men used to be, the harder they hit the more they love you type thing so when he used to none stop talk about you me and punz were worried" he looked up

"I can assure you I wouldn't lay my hands on anyone like that but especially not George, alot of the reason being I love him.. the other little bit being he could batter the shit out of me" i smiled "Do you have any worries about me and George..? While we're here"

"I don't think so.. is it all consensual?" He questioned and my eyes widened

"Yes it is all consensual.. who the fuck do you think I am?" My jaw dropped thinking of the shit they think I've done to George

"Again George type in men.. I always have to be careful I'm sorry. I don't see him like a brother but I just feel like I need to know everything to protect him" sapnap spoke "I've decided to trust you, I'll make sure punz doesn't beat you"

"Huh!" George was behind us with a jaw dropped "my type of men!"

"You explain yourself" I spoke to sapnap as I got up, wrapping my arms around George's waist, smirking

"Georgieee" he whined getting up

"Dont georgie me, you are sleeping on the couch" George crossed his arms "now come on your going to stay be our side while we look around"

"God yes dad" sapnap rolled his eyes kicking me in the back of the leg and I pushed him back

"You two behave!"

yes sir // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now