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George's pov: (warning: in this chapter fundy is called a fuck ugly ginger, obviously I don't believe this it's for a joke and the story. Fundy is a very attractive man.. moving on) TW: MENTIONS OF COMMMITING

It's been so fucking awkward, since karl got here both him and sapnap haven't spoke It's so fucking annoying

"What the fuck happened between you two?" I finally spoke out

"George!" Quackity slapped me on the shoulder as he dug into the sloppy shit we get fed

"I said what we were all thinking" I held my arms up "so come on"

"Nothing happened were fine" sapnap replied and rolled his eyes, I gave a pissed look "I'll tell you later"

"The fuck you will" Karl spoke up "you shut the fuck up about the shit you caused earlier" he looked at sapnap who went red

"Is this sexual tension?" Dream whispered to me

"I don't think so.. maybe?" I muttered back "I don't see a boner on karl" I replied

"I can't see sapnaps dick if he does have one" dream spoke to me trying to peak

Sapnap caught him and looked at dreams eyes, tracing it back to his cock

"What are you doing" he raised an eyebrow at dream

"Have you got a boner?" I questioned and dream hit me

"Yep big fat one, I love getting told what to do by a colourful twink" he replied looking at Karl

"Atleast I'm not a cowboy drug whore" he spat back in a quiet tone

I let out a small laugh at the comeback before sapnap through deathstares at me

"Sorry.." I murmured before I spoke up again "can we please solve whatever happened"

"No" Karl replied almost immediately "I don't not need a fucking whore in my life" he rolled his eyes

"Well I don't need a fucking clinger either" sapnap got angry now

"Ok ok breathe" I rubbed sapnaps shoulder "ignore eachother actually I changed my mind" I murmured

And to top this fucking disaster off I now have some fuck ugly ginger and his 'gang' come up to us, this gang for includes issac

"Where's Sam?" Fundy asked me, leaning on our table

"Why the fuck would I know" I raised an eyebrow "now piss off or I'll stab you"

"Uh no you wont, anyway ponk needs him" fundy muttered "if you see him can you atleast tell him ponk wants him"

"Uh why?" I questioned with a bit of attitude

"Because you love ponk" he shrugged "anyway we have a question, I want dream to be in this conversation to cause he's got more chance of listening"

"Go on" I leaned back as I tapped dreams thigh gently, then left my hand to grip it

"We have a small girl that has came in, she is tiny, ginger and got no fucking chance of surviving in this place, she's 16 but we can't have her" fundy replied

"Uh ok? My issue because?" I rolled my eyes

"Please take her, George you say you'd help any junior that needs it because you know what it's like, take her in I beg" he begged

The buzzed cut man eyes widened but he didn't say a word

"Shes related to you isn't she?" I raised an eyebrow and he slightly nodded, very hesitant

"Fine but if she's anything like you then I'll kick her away like that" I warned

"Like me?" He questioned

"Into my boyfriend" I replied and he scrunched his face

"Well she's got a girlfriend and two I'm fucking someone" he murmured "Uh this is issac" he replied and my jaw dropped

"Issac what the fuck!" I looked at the man

"I didn't know you were here, especially fucking the officers" he spoke back

"Uhh it's one officer and also how the fuck haven't you noticed me? I've been eying you like a hawk" I muttered

"Still want a peice of this" He smirked and winked, my face dropped as I slowly kicked under his feet

"You pervy prick, no I don't want a peice of this cause this tried to fucking kill me" I kicked his leg still sitting down

"You've tried to kill George? Hey we have something in common!" Fundy smiled

"He got further then you, trust me" I replied before moving the stray peices of hair to show the huge scar

"The scar that almost made George commit, issac what the fuck" fundy now kicked him "You massive dick!"

"I was supposed to kill him not leave a scar!" Issac got up and sapnap came over and so did karl

Karl hasn't actually ever met issac but he heard everything story

"The fact you wanted to kill him is pretty fucking pathetic anyway" sapnap came over, issac is terrified of the man

"Oh sapnap.."

"Oh and the fact he was what 14" karl joined in behind sapnap "14 and 19 isn't ideal now is it so don't bring up this scar or the fact you tried to kill him again and maybe me and sapnap won't try and kill you" he leaned on sapnap

"What are you like 5'10 and clearly a twink you have your nails painted" he gave karl evils

"He's my twink bitch, back the fuck off" sapnap replied in a calm tone, the sentence alone co fused me to fuck

"Fundy just get him out of here but bring your sister over here tomorrow" I muttered and he nodded

"I hate you but thank you" he smiled

"I hate you too but your welcome" I grinned as he pulled issac away

It went silent for a second

"Your twink!" Karl looked at sapnap "your so fucking lucky I though that was hot" he hit saps chest before walking off

"So can we know what's going on yet?" I asked with a cheeky grin


yes sir // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now