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George's pov

"Hey george, you coming weight lifting?" Punz asked me

"Nah not today, Wilbur says he wants to meet me" I stated

"You reckon your in trouble?" He asked yet another thing

"Probably, fuck knows what for but they could find something" I chuckled, I'm clearly lying But punz could never tell when people lie

"Alright well good luck" he smiled, walking over to Karl

I immediately pelted it into the treadmills room

Please dream, please dream

I think dreams in here, I mean there's no actual way. Right?

I got into the room to see... only Wilbur

"Wilbur why am I in here?" I asked

"Shhh.." he covered my mouth before pulling my hands behind my back and pushing me out of the treadmills like I had actually done something

"Wilbur.." I croaked

Then it hit me... shit

"Wilbur! Wilbur no! I don't want to go. Wilbur, dream is here. I don't want to" I thought I was gonna have a mental breakdown

He didn't stop moving, instead slamming me into the car door before pushing my inside

I immediately curled up into a ball in the corner

He got in the car and slammed the door shut

"George I'm so sorry, I had to act like you were leaving. Your not I promise" he turned back

"I'm not leaving dream..?" I looked up "is dream gonna come back to me gone?"

"No no, we're gonna go see him. Phil doesn't know so I had to act rough, I promise george" he spoke

"What what if your lying" I muttered

"You can gladly leave now, go on" he opened the back door

I looked outside and back at him

His face was completely flat, no expression shown

"Fine" I shut the door, stay in my seat

"Thought so, get your belt on. He's at the hospital near us" he spoke going back to his car door and shutting it

"Wilbur, be honest. Who did it?" I asked

"That doesn't include you george" he turned on the car

"But he's my boyfriend" I muttered

"Yes but your still a prisoner, just because your dating dream doesn't mean your not a bad person" he rolled his eyes


"Give me one reason why I shouldn't fucking choke you right now" I stated

"Because you won't get to see dream" he replied

"Well I can I know how to fucking drive you prick" I rolled my eyes this time

"I'll turn this car around, shut up" he looked at me

I just crossed my arms and shut my mouth

"Good" he looked back at the road

It's was silent

Pure silent

"Wilbur, why are you so on and off with me?" I ruined the silence

"Basically cause I don't trust you" he stated "especially with dream" he added

"What why?" I exclaimed

"Your a prisoner" he muttered

"And..? I'm not aloud to love someone?" I squinted "I have done nothing to hurt him"

"Yes but he got stabbed because of you" he then turned on the radio

"Wait what..?" The stomach dropped, I went into pure panic where I didn't move my body

He got stabbed because of me..

"Shut up george" he rolled his eyes

"Ok sorry" I curled up into a ball

Then I realised something well I tried to believe that I didn't care

Dreams made me soft

He survived so it doesn't matter

The rest of the ride I continued to put myself down and make it sound like I hated him, when actually all I wanted to do was be in his arms and tell him that I'm here, tell him... I'm sorry he got stabbed because of me

"George get out" Wilbur opened the door, he's really pissed but I don't know why

I didn't reply and just stepped out no doubt to see a hospital

Then it hit me

Oh fuck

"Come on let's go" I spoke

"Hold on I need to t-" I cut him off

"Wilbur I don't know what this bipolar love hate relationship we have but with even a bit of sympathy please stop, the man who I love got stabbed and I need to see him. Please" I begged

He put his phone in his pocket, still looking pissed off

"Come on" he walked into the entrance with me and took me down halls

"So you've seen him already?" I asked

"George I found him" he slowly opened a door that revealed a bright room

Dream had wires and tubes inside of his veins, leading to machines

That wasnt the important part though

The smile on his face was

"George..?!" His voice coarse yet so smooth

I ran to him and hugged him gently, I cried. I put him in here, I hurt him

"Sweetheart..." he slowly rocked us as much as he could

"Dream.. i- i- you- just- I'm sorry" I was a mess

"What darling, why are you sorry?" He questioned

"You got stabbed because of me" I looked at him in the eyes

"Georgie no... I was in the wrong place at wrong time. Look come sit" he pulled me onto the bed

"I can't be up here" I say

"Awee georgie, have I made you so soft that you won't break the smallest of rules now hmm?" He smirked

"Shut up" I laughed, wiping my eyes and laying my head on his chest

"I love you, I really mean it. I'm so in love with you" I smiled

"I love you too, I really wish you didn't find out though" he sighed

"Well Sam's a bad liar plus you wouldn't leave without saying goodbye" I slowly connected our hands

"How did Phil let you out" he asked

"He didn't, Wilbur snuck me out but was pissed at me the whole time" I informed

"Can you stay?" He asked

"Obviously I can't" I sighed

"Well stay with me as long as you can" he squeezed my hand

"I always try to stay with you, always" I kissed his lips


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