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Dreams pov:

Me and George just got home, he immediately pushed me against the wall and I scrunched my face

"Maybe not tonight actually" I spoke and George shrugged

"I know, you didn't seem like it on the way here" he chuckled and I smiled as he let go.

"How about we go have a shower" I asked and slipped my hands to his waist and pulled his unbelievably closer

"Yes please" he grinned and I picked up the man, he started kissing my neck and I stopped him "You can't stop me when you decided to scar my thighs with bite marks" George replied with an eyebrow raise

"You said you thought they were hot" I smirked and George chuckled

"They are so let me give you some" he raised an eyebrow and I shook my head before gently placing my lips on his neck as I placed him on the counter in the bathroom

"This isn't fair" George complained and I smirked on the man skin

"This is more then fair" I whispered into his neck, leaving soft kisses "your gorgeous" I smiled and George grinned back

"Your prettier" I held my head "I love you" he whispered in my ear

I removed my lips from his neck and look up at him

"I love you too" I smiled before connecting our foreheads "how about a bath and some snacks instead of a shower?" I questioned and he nodded

I took him upstairs and into the bathroom, he smiled as I placed him on the counter before going over and turning on the bath

"Your so gorgeous" he spoke, pulling off my t-shirt outlining my belly, recently I've gotten a tiny bit chubby but George told me he likes it, I looked over at his hand to see a cut

"Whats that" I pointed it out and he chuckled

"I was trying to show off my knife tricks to fundys sister and accidentally cut myself" he laughed

"Wow your a great show off" i smiled and kissed his neck, laughing slightly before pulling off his shirt

"I know I'm awesome" he chuckled then gripped my waist, squeezing my sides tightly

"You really are" I held his chin and brought him into another kiss, holding him tight

I went over and turned off the bath before going back over, I picked up my pretty man and got us both in gently. I laid him on my chest and he dug himself in

"Your such a bottom" I whispered to him and he hummed

"Mm no I've got a video of you sucking my dick" he whispered, closing his eyes into my chest

"I got a video of you getting absolutely fucked while being chocked" I smirked and George looked suprised

"Who said you could take videos of me like that" he smirked

"Oh come on, you were begging me the other day to take photos together, I got a video thats even better" I laughed

"Not quite what I meant" he muttered as he connected of foreheads "next time I'll be more specific" he chuckled and he started moving closer to my lips just to pull away

"Dont tease" I muttered and he connected our lips, his tongue was so soft and he had such a good grip on my waist

"Better?" He asked and I nodded "now take me to the bath god" he laughed

"Fine" I faked groaned and picked him up, George smiled thinking he was about to get into the bath

Then my phone went off, I looked confused to see it was phil

I groaned and George looked sad but he started kissing my neck as I answered

"Hello" I muttered while I rubbed George's waist in a circular motion, he just carried on kissing my neck and jaw

"Hey dream do you think you could get here like now" Phil spoke in a distressed voice as I heard a faint siren in the background

"Hold on what's going on, I was about to have bath?" I questioned in a worried tone and George caught on so I put the phone on loud

"Look I don't actually know, a prisoner has been stabbed and the Spanish guys are gone" he uttered and George looked up at me

"Woah woah wheres quackity" George panicked now squeezing my arm

"George we don't know he's left with them, we need you two here to calm everyone down especially sapnap he's losing his shit" Phil spoke

"Keep sapnap anyway from everyone do not try and calm him" George warned and jumped down from the counter getting on his old clothes while telling me to put on mine

"Phil just don't do anything crazy ok and leave sapnap" i stated before hanging up

George was getting dressed so quickly that he was getting frustrated when I wasn't ready

"George this isn't my fault don't have ago at me" I snapped

"For fuck sake quackity ran please dream hurry the fuck up" he looked angry and upset. He was clearly confused and was blaming whoever

"Ok ok and we will sort ghat out ok?" I held his face and he shook his head

"It's not he's left" George let a tear fall "he's left and he won't come back" George pushed me away "I want to see sapnap"

"George don't fucking push me"

"I want to fucking see sapnap now" he exclaimed and I jumped backwards "for fuck sake" he punched the door before leaving

Holy shit

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