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George's pov:

Me and dream sat like that for about an hour, every now and then we'd have a chat to go straight back to holding one another

Until a bell went off signalling that it was lunch

"Come on let's go" dream tapped my thigh

"No I don't want to" I whined

"George you didn't see the boys at all at break you need to see them in the cafe" he replied, I rolled my eyes and groaned. I got off of his lap buy the warmth left me immediately

Dream led me out to the cafe to see everyone but the boys

"Maybe they decided not to eat" he murmured and that made me feel off.. they always eat? "Come on" he held my hand and headed to the yard

Once I saw the boys my face lifted

"I'll wait here you go over to them and have a chat, if you need me then I'll come over" he stated before kissing my lips and letting me go

I nodded gently and started walking upto sapnap who was doing pull ups

"Sap! Oh m-" I was gonna tell sap about my job but he spoke over me

"Fuck off george" he replied and quackity slapped his side

"What..?" I murmured

"You can fuck off" he got off the bar

"Why?" I questioned as I took a step back he looked pissed and I was scared

"Why? Fucking why? When you left this prison you told us we'd still be number one but instead you miss seeing us so you can fucking go help the staff then you go and fuck about with dream for an hour and then when it's finally lunch dream has to force you to come see us?" He scolded getting so close before pushing me on the ground

"Sapnap stop" punz grabbed him

"No fuck off punz. Then to top it all off your fucking boyfriend gets himself tangled in my fucking issues to the point karl now treats me like shit because of it"

"Woah that was not dreams fucking fault" I stood up "If you didn't fuck up everything maybe dream wouldn't have to fucking let karl break down in uis arms" I spoke back

That made sapnap punch me in the nose.. at that very second a fight or flight response kicked in and I chose the wrong thing

I punched him back but alot harder making him fall to the ground as I continued punching him in the face, after about 3 punz and foolish finally pulled me off to get the gaze of dream trying to push through the crowd and quackity watching in fear.. that's when I noticed my bloody knuckles but it wasn't mine

My heart stopped when I realised what I did, sapnaps face was completely fucked, everyone was now staring me down and all the staff was now grabbing me and pulling me inside while dream watched in fear

The worst thing is I didn't feel bad I felt nothing, as soon as dreams name was said I didn't know what to feel and I didn't know weither that was good or bad at this point

"George! What the actual fuck were you thinking!" Wilbur scolded loudly just making everything seem 10 times worse

"No stop!" I held my ears as if I were a little kid again, being corner by my boss as he held a gun upto my head and screamed at my for messing up my job

"Stop what! You just completed fucked up sapnap" Wilbur yelled in my face as my ears rang like I had a thousand of him saying it at once

"I didn't" I yelled back as icovered my face

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