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George's pov

"But Wilbur.. pleaseeee" I begged

"No george, Phil will kill me if he knows I took you here" Wilbur was trying to drag me off my boys lap

"Ok just tell him that I'll stab him if any of you drag me out of this place" I warned

"Dream help me out..?" Wilbur looked at dream who shrugged and pulled me back onto his chest "Fine you know what, I'll let you stay but if he doesn't believe me then you take the blame" Wilbur stated

"Will do" Dream muttered looking at his phone

Wilbur rolled his eyes and left

Thank fuck

"Can I have a nap?" I asked

"Mm yeah but don't get used to them" he spoke

"Damn dreamy, being a bit tough. I'm sure if I need to I can always come to my room" I yawned, curling my legs up into a ball "I trust you not to let anyone pick me up and take me back"  I say

"No ones gonna go that" Dream speaks

"Just saying" I shrug as I drift off to sleep

"Your a good boy" Dream whispers to me

I think that triggered a small part of my child side, I'm a good boy

I fell asleep with a bright smile on my face, dreams always gonna me me happy

Dream pov

He's such a pretty boy

I hated treating George like a child, I felt so weird for calling him good boy when it isn't sexual but if that helps break his childhood trauma then I guess I can

I stare at him as his chest fell slowly

There was a knock at the door and I told them they could enter

"Hey dream" the nice nurse women said "have a friend" she smirked

"Umm kinda" I chuckled

"Well we're please to inform you that you recovered a lot quicker then we thought you would, of course you can't work or work but we'll give you crutches and a cast. You can leave today if you'd like" she smiled

"Oh my god, yes!" I exclaimed

"Dream shut up" George grumbled, opening his eyes to see my nurse "Oh sorry" George quickly got up in fear

Why's he so scared

I rubbed his arm as he slowly rested

"It's fine sweetheart, I was just telling Dream he can go today, we just need to disconnect the tubes and put a cast on him" she smiled

"When can that get done?" George asks

"About 2 and a half hours" she informed

"Thank you!" George grinned at me

"Well I'll leave you boys" she walked out and George squeezed my body

"You excited" I chuckled

"We can cuddle properly!" George dug himself into me "and the nurse didn't get mad" he replied, running his fingers through mine

"I didn't think she'd get mad, she's really nice" I smiled

"I thought I wasn't gonna see you for a whole week" he hugged me tight, kissing my face

"You could've come visted" I chuckled

"Yeah for like an hour, I need you at least 23/6" he kissed my lips again "I'll get to cuddle you!" He exclaimed, completely turning into a golden retriever

"Alright alright, quiet down. People are trying to sleep" I laughed

"Ok ok" he sat down on my lap, hugging me so so tight

"Your gonna cut off my circulation" I laughed

"You'll survive, your in a hospital" he closed his eyes with a smile, gently dosing off

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