"I want to thank each of you for showing up," Richard began. "You must be wondering why you're here, why you were chosen."

"You're sending us on a suicide run, aren't you?" Ashley asks, her knuckles turning white as she grips the now crumpled piece of paper in her hand.

"You... may make it out of this alive. You need to." Richard shrugs. "Before we go any further, I want you all to know one thing." He stood. "You mean nothing. You're not here because you're special or because you have some especially helpful talent. Each and every one of you is dispensable. I didn't choose you because of some skill. We can afford to lose you; it won't bother me or anyone else. You can easily be replaced."

"Cut to the chase. We get it, live or die, you don't care," John said.

"Do you?" Richard asks. "I don't think it's clear. So, an example must be made." He snaps his fingers and the guard to his left raises his gun.

A gunshot echoed off the wall, making my ears ring as I flinched. I felt hot blood splatter against the exposed skin of my arm. I turn to look. Charlie's body slumped in his chair as the crimson liquid ran down his head. I pull in a shaky breath, staring at the dead body beside me.

Richard continued, "I'm sending you on a trip to HQ. I have a message for President Kenn. I've also been made aware that there will be other compounds doing the same. So, if you run into them, everything is fine. If you disobey orders, you will be killed–"

"How would you know?" Tyler asks. "If you're sending a bunch of nobodies out and halfway across the country, how would you know if we disobeyed?"

"I have my ways, I assure you. Disobey and you'll find out." Richard looked over at the two new Outsiders, a threat clear in his eyes. If they kept this up, they'd be the next two bodies that someone would be dragging out of this room. However, neither brother backed down. Both Clay and Tyler maintained eye contact, challenging Richard's authority. How far they could push him. They were playing a dangerous game.

I tensed, heart racing in my chest. Why would Richard send them? They were just brought in this morning. They probably haven't even finished the screening. They weren't quite trustable. None of us knew how they were going to do it. If they would play well with others, follow the rules. Outsiders didn't have rules or morals, they were killers who only cared for themselves. That's what everyone said, what everyone was told. Back when the world collapsed there were people who didn't want the help provided–offered–to them.

If this were that important, why send those two with us?

"You leave tomorrow morning. Say your goodbyes. We meet at sunrise. Don't be late." Richard broke eye contact. Tyler smiled victoriously, leaning back in his seat.

Richard stood, the chair sliding backward with a horrible screeching sound. "Kara let's go. We have much to discuss."

Kara stood, following her father out of the room.

Silence enveloped the room as we all shared a look. Whatever this was, it couldn't be good. We didn't even get one explanation. The six of us, plus the dead body, sat there for a few minutes, the reality of the situation sinking in. I started to fidget with the hem of my shirt as the silence grew too loud. The air seemed to be getting thicker the longer I sat here.

I pull in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I stood, exiting the room. I couldn't sit there in that quiet room, staring at strangers, who in less than twenty-four hours, I would have to trust with my life. This didn't make any sense. I guess I'd never thought of it like this before because it wasn't me being sent out. Every year I watched a group be sent away, but now that it was me, it felt different.


"I'll miss you, Pumpkin," Dad said, hugging me tightly. I tried to keep myself calm. I didn't want to make this harder for either of us. I'd be okay.

"I'll miss you too, Dad," I mumbled, shutting my eyes for a moment. I hated that I had to leave him. He'll be all alone. I won't be able to contact him. I wasn't sure if he could handle it. Or if I could handle it.

"Stay safe, Brandi," he tells me, pulling back from our hug and kissing my head.

"I will," I assure him. "I'll be back before you know it."

"I love you, kid."

"Love you too, Dad."

I shoulder my bag, heading out the door after telling my dad goodbye and telling him I'd be all right one more time. The early morning sun shone in my eyes as I made my way toward the front gate. I had no choice. I had to go. Richard would have me–and anyone who tried to stay behind–killed before we even got the first word out of our mouths. I doubted anyone would try to back out, but there was still a possibility. There always was.

The closer I get to the front gate, the better I can see who has already arrived. Megan, who was always extra early, stood with her parents, exchanging what I imagine to be goodbyes. Clay and Tyler stood off to the side by themselves in a quiet conversation. I see Matthew and Ashley walking toward everyone as well. I come to a stop beside Meg. Her parents wish us both well while we wait for Richard to show up and give us some sort of information or orders.

I heard Kara and her father before I saw them.

"You can't be serious. I'm an adult, I should be able to say whether I go or not," Kara tells Richard as they round the corner.

"I didn't make this decision as a father; I made it as a leader. You have nothing to offer the group. Therefore, you stay." Richard didn't even look at her as he made his way toward us.

Richard never really decided as a father, He was far too caught up in his own life to care or worry for his daughters. He would just hand her off to a few guards to ensure safety, then go on about his day.

"And as a citizen, Kara, you must do as I say. You are not excused from the consequences," Richard continued.

"You'll kill me, you mean?" Kara asks. "You're sending my best friends off to die–"

"No, I'm sending them to speak to the president. Enough," Richard demands, shooting her a final look.

"Fine," Kara huffs, crossing her arms over her chest before walking toward Megan and me.

"Everyone here? Good." Richard quickly glances around, making sure we are all present. "Now, John's in charge since he has the most experience. You were each assigned a bag with some necessities and things to help you survive. You may each take a weapon. And John, you have the folder that needs to be given to the president. By whatever means necessary, do not lose that folder or any of its contents."

John nods his head. "Yes, sir. You can depend on me. I'll keep everything in order."

It had never been more obvious that John was used to following orders. Whether it was just something he'd grown up doing or if it was something else entirely, I didn't know. Maybe he'd been in the army or something along those lines.

"You don't have a choice, John," Richard said, patting his shoulder. "I wish you well, all of you. Sincerely."

I heard a scoff to my right. I looked over to see Clay rolling his eyes.

Richard turned around, walking away with two guards tailing him. John reaches into his backpack, pulling out a map. Everyone gravitates toward him, forming a circle around the older man. In a bright red marker there was a line leading to an X. It was the path we were supposed to take to HQ.

"All right, grab your stuff. We're wasting daylight." John shoulders his bag and walks toward the gate.

I shake out my nerves, taking the bag a guard held out to me. I stepped out of the gate.

I threw one last glance over my shoulder as the tall gates began to close, locking me out of my old life for a long time. They slam shut, the sound of metal hitting together echoing. 

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