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October 11th

There I was, sitting in the principals office while taking a scolding.

"You shouldn't hit other students, instead walk away." He sternly says, pointing his finger at me, as if I were some sort of trouble maker.

"She started it, do you know how serious those kind of allegations are?" I ask, slightly rolling my eyes, he scoffed.

"Not like anyone believed it, Ava does no wrong she sits quietly and does her work, she's one of the top students in this dreadful highschool, you aren't." He says as if that's supposed to prove a point, I grit my teeth.

"I'm not arguing with you anymore, I'd like to leave. Give me the suspension or whatever." I give up seeing as I won't be able to change his mind.

"You have in school suspension everyday for a week, it's in room 305, near the art room." He says, handing me a green slip, I sloppily snatched it and happily left.

I shut the door of the office and sigh, in school suspension is just stupid, might as well give me a real suspension.

And for five days? That's too much.

As I'm walking away from the room, I spot a silhouette up ahead.

I put my bag around my torso before walking down the hall, coincidentally where the person was who was standing at the end of the hall.

I heard the person or rather him mutter something, though I didn't quite catch what it was. But, he sounded distressed.

As I drew closer and closer, I started to hear him more-- and see his face, and his 'dark' silhouette became more apparent.

"Not you again." I mutter just loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh, hi Emmy." Jason greeted with a smile before he lifted his head up, his eyes met my own.

I've never had a nickname, so it's only natural I don't respond when he calls me that, just Emery is fine.

"Is Ava alright?" I ask dismissing his greeting rather rudely, I scold myself for it.

Jason's face fell into confusion before he spoke up, "If it were anyone else they wouldn't even care about how she was doing considering her actions, do you owe her something? Is that why you didn't want me to confront her yesterday? And now this." He suggests, I twist my face before responding.

Well, hold on I got a little lump in my throat.

Do I owe her something? No.


"I'm just a forgiving person." I briefly explain.

I forgive and I do forget, but don't take advantage of it. Only one person's ever done that.

"You forgave her that quickly? It's okay to be upset, your hand is-" He was getting ready to use my hand for a reference, which is valid but like I said it's like it's not even there, I sustained worser injuries during those few hours.

He could see the discomfort in my face and stopped talking, "I see, anyways what I came here to tell you was-- uh, would you like to hangout?" He asks.

"Where and when?" I ask as if I've already accepted his request.

"Oh, me and a few others are going to an arcade then to skating, it'll be tomorrow afternoon, I can text you where we'll meet up." He suggests as he struggled to take his phone out his pockets.

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