an old friend

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You stormed into your front door, slamming it shut, and locking it. Tears formed into your eyes from pure anger. "Mrrow?" Your calico cat stared up at your red and now wet face curiously. You threw your purse (or man bag😒) on the table, and plopped yourself on the couch, laying on your front side.

Your cat hopped on your back, starting to make biscuits. "Mmph- Calypso, you rat!" You lifted your face from the couch, swatting your cat off you sorta gently. She hopped off your back, walking towards her food bowl. "Mroww!" Of course...I forgot to pick up food from the store. You slapped your palm on your forehead, while sitting up.

"I can't let you starve then...lemme see what we have."

You walked into the kitchen, and started rummaging in the pantry. "Hmm, looks like I'm gonna starve tonight too." Searching a little more, you found a can of chicken. This'll work. Calypso got on the counter, slapping at the can, waiting for you to open it. "Hold on, Cal. Give me a minute!" The can was quite satisfying to open. The pull and noise made you happy. You only put a little bit of th can in Calypso's bowl, since the can was human sized, and not fat cat sized.

You set the bowl back down next to the fridge and water fountain bowl, and Calypso got right to it. "you don't even have anymore dry food!" You remembered. Maybe a shower will help me relieve some stress...then I need to find another job.

You slouched a bit while walking up the stairs, not paying much attention to where you were stepping. You had your eyes closed, mumbling to yourself on what your plan for the next hour will be. "Shower, clean, look for a job..." Then, you tripped, missing the next step. You tumbled down a few steps, hitting your jaw on one step, and your knee on another.

"Son of a- ack- damn!"

You got up, and limped back up the stairs, this one. Holding onto the railing. This is not gonna be a good night for me either, is it?  You thought to yourself, feeling even more exhausted than previously.

You finally walked into the bathroom. You kept the door open just incase Cal wanted to come bother you. You undressed, and pulled the nob for the hot water. You took one last look at yourself, before getting in the shower. You held yourself as the burning water rolled down your body. Your skin turned a light shade of red, but the hotness was soothing.

Before you knew it, the water started to get cool. You were in there for at least an hour, weren't you? You turned the water off, and stepped out. Oh, I forgot my clothes...thats alright. You wrapped a Navy blue towel around your wet body, and headed towards your room. You dropped your towel to dry your hair and the rest of your body, then threw it to a laundry basket. You picked an oversized old Freddy Fazbear shirt. Oh, this is from my old school friend! She never did take this back from me...wait, didn't she say this was from her uncle or something? You knew about a few previous Fazbear locations, this shirt looked like it was from the circus one. The bear on it looked like it had gotten into its mother's makeup...
You paired the James Charles Freddy shirt with a pair of black shorts that you'd only wear inside. (That cake is secret)

After finishing getting dressed, there was a sudden crash heard downstairs. You raced down the steps, obviously worried your cat had hurt herself, or someone broke in and stole love your cat. "Calypso, honey?!" There in the kitchen stood a broken jar full of cat treats, and a soon-to-be fatass cat munching down on them. "CALYPSO!" you raised your voice at the dumb cat, making her jump and sprint into another room.

You sighed, and picked up a dark green broom with black and gray bristles. You swept up the mess into that little dirt holder or whatever it's called, and dumped it in the kitchen trash can. Idiot. You thought again, while finishing cleaning the mess. Calypso peaked around the corner to watch. When you took a closer look at her, you spotted a shard of glass in her fluffy coat. "Calypso..." You sighed again, and set the broom down next to you. You swiftly walked over and grabbed her, then you sat down and put her on your lap. You threw the shard in the garbage can, and inspected her fur even further in case that wasn't the only shard. You were correct, there were two more. Calypso looked up at you with her one eye, and a big kitty smile on her face. She had a scar over her closed right eye, that not even you knew where it came from. It had been there when you got her...but of course she came from a dumpster in the back of a petsmart (if you don't have a petsmart near you, yes you do)

𝕌𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕖 - Sun/Moon x Reader AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora