The past

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A heavy sigh escaped me as I sat down in the break room. Ever since I'd realised that Aren was going to shatter Fern's mental health, I'd been a bit down.

A little break was all I needed, just a few minutes, then I can go back to work.


I started to think about all of my old patients, how Aren might have interacted with them...

They probably hate her as much as I do. I scoff, smirking at the thought.

I remember all of them well, and all of their... Fuckin' violet outbursts. (Cough, Cress, Cough.)

There was Fern, Lyf, Cress, Jasmine, Moon, and Ruthien.

Fern was the only one who I tolerated... And Jasmine... The poor thing was so out of it, having to be tied down half the time, begging to be let out.


"Please? Please! Doctor! Let me out! I didn't do anything WRONG!" Jasmine screamed, her throat straining, and her platinum white hair falling around her face.

"Doctor... Yuu! Please!!" She sobbed, tears rolling down her face. She struggled fiercely against her restraints, her skin rubbing raw... "Ple-hease!! Let me OUT!!"

... ~back to reality~

... And then there was Lyf and Cress. Brothers. Both as much of a menace as each other. They eventually had to be seperated, which neither were found of.

Lyf tried to rip my fingers off, and Cress tried to break my skull. Multiple times.

And last but not least, there is Ruthien and Moon. Ruthien is just a fucking psychopath, and Moon is somewhat the same. Except, Ruth hates the sight of blood, Moon is a cannibal.

This job sucks so much ass.

But, I should probably get back to work now...


I'm probably gonna add pictures of the past patients in next chapters, so y'all know what they look like

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