A Lone Wolf

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Yuu walked the hall humming to themself. They were taking their time to get to their next patient.

Down the hall, A doctor was standing in front of one of their old patients.

Their name was Moon. They had shoulder length purple hair and piercing teal eyes. Strangest of all, their skin was completely black.

Even though they were quite young, they were quite destructive and hateful.

He looked over at Yuu, a hate filled smile crossed his face.

His wild purple hair covered the right side of his face, his left eye a vibrant teal.

Yuu speed walked past the doctor, arriving at the next room.

-- Name : Jack Howl

-- Age: 24

-- Disorders: Split personalitiy disorder, depression, anxiety, bipolar, obsessive love disorder, "wolf instinct".

-- Patient was admitted to the asylum by his caretaker. There were unexpected intervals when his personality would completely switch. Other than that, there was little to no trouble with him.

-- Warnings: Do not touch his beastman features unless stated otherwise, speak quietly, give him space if he is angry.

Yuu hummed as they read over the file, opening the door slowly.

As they stepped into the room, a low growl rolled through it.

"Jack? There's no need to be hostile..." Yuu tried to speak softly.

"Who're you?! Why are you here, where's the other one?!" The wolf beastman growled from his bed.

"Ah, I'm your new doctor... My name is Yuu."

Jack's ears flattened. "A-ah... Ahem..." His behaviour flipped.

"Sorry about that doctor." He rubbed the back of his neck. There was a shock collar around it.

"It's alright, don't beat yourself up. If you don't mind me asking, why were you acting so hostile?" The obvious answer would be his 'wolf instinct', but Yuu wanted to get more evidence to get Aren fired.

They are not suitable for this job. At all.

"I thought you were the other doctor, Aren. They weren't the best..." Jack tilted his head, his brow creasing.

"I know how you feel. Now, if you don't mind, can I come closer to you?" Yuu asked, smiling.

"Yea I guess..." Jack covered his face with his hand, yawning.

Yuu stepped forward, a small smile on their face.

Yuu stood in front of him, Jack looked at them for a few seconds. "Well... What now?"

"I was going to ask you a few questions if that's alright with you."

"Uh, yeah, sure. Go right ahead."

Yuu stood in front of him, pulling out a clipboard with a few questions on it.

"Alright, first of all, do you have any idea why you developed such severe instincts. Well, besides from being a beastman of course."

"Well, I've pretty much had it as long as I can remember. Though, I've gotten a few, uhh... 'urges' that have gotten stronger recently..." Jack's ear twitched as he spoke.

"Hmm. Alright, thankyou for being so cooperative, Jack." Yuu spoke, happy that he wasn't being difficult.

"U-uh, yeah, no problem, I guess." The beastman rubbed his neck again, a small blush on his cheeks.

Yuu's phone once again buzzed with a familiar alarm. Time for the next one.

"Ah, it's time for me to head off. I'll be back either tomorrow or the day after."

"Oh, I'm, alright." Jack spoke quietly. He didn't know what to say.

Yuu made their way out of his room, heading down the hall once again.

Jack POV

Well... They were pleasant. Definitely a lot nicer.

I'm not used to people being nice to me.

My hands rubbed my skin around my collar. The amount of times Aren has made me mad and get shocked by it is sickening.

They thought it was hilarious.

I just hope Yuu is better...

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