Vic chuckled lightly before responding, "Yeah, I just might. I was just doing something, and you sorta distracted me," Victoria explained, twisting slightly in her chair.

Gabriella hummed in response, and Victoria could hear the muffled sounds of keys jingling, sparking her curiosity about where Gabi might be headed.

It wasn't really any of her business at the end of the day, though deep down, the singer wished she was more involved.

"V?" The woman heard her nickname being called, snapping her back to reality. "Huh? Yeah?" she answered, causing Gabriella to chuckle before saying, "Zoned out, huh? Did you hear what I said?" Victoria foolishly shook her head, as if Gabi could see her.

Chuckling softly at herself, she asked, "I actually didn't. Repeat it for me?" "I asked, where you at?" the brunette countered. "Uh... the studio," Victoria replied, one eyebrow raising in curiosity.

"Figured. Come open the door," Gabriella instructed, causing Vic to pause in her tracks in disbelief. "You said what?" Victoria leaned closer into the phone, as if she hadn't heard properly.

"Open the door, Monet. It's cold as heck out here," Gabi insisted. Springing up from her seat without hanging up the phone, Victoria glided across the wooden floors effortlessly, her fingers reaching for the cool metal of the door handle.

Without hesitation, Victoria hastily pulled the door open and immediately jumped into the actress' arms, nearly knocking her over. "You missed me that much, superstar?"

The embrace conveyed a depth of emotion that words simply could not capture, yet neither of the two women felt the need to discuss it.

Gabriella's arms enveloped Victoria tightly as they hugged. Breathing in the intoxicating aroma of cinnamon and vanilla that surrounded Gabriella, Victoria eventually slid down from her grip, her radiant smile reaching her eyes as she closed the oak door behind them.

Victoria positioned herself in front of Gabi, allowing her ample time to discreetly inspect the girl's behind, taking note of the short brown shorts she had on.

Sensing Gabi's gaze on her, Victoria couldn't help but smirk to herself. She tugged down on her T-shirt, the oversized material cascading down and effectively concealing her backside, eliciting a playful scoff from the singer.

"Speaking of superstar, bitch, that's all YOU! the SUPERBOWL!?" Vic exclaimed excitedly, settling back into her chair and crossing her legs as she gazed up at Gabi with a beaming smile. Gabriella, with a sheepish grin, pulled over another rolling chair to join Victoria, placing her black backpack on the chair's back.

Out of her cargoed pocket, she pulled out a small bag of weed along with a pink grinder and a pack of rolling paper, passing them over to Victoria who immediately got to work.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Gabi began, "It was surreal. Like it still doesn't feel real... I, me, Gabriella Wilson, performed my own solo with THEE Usher Raymond?" Her eyes widened in disbelief, causing Victoria to giggle.

She laid out one of the wrapping papers flat on her desk, meticulously opening the baggie of weed and carefully placing some of it into the grinder.

Leaning back into her chair, she skillfully twisted the grinder, expertly preparing the substance for consumption, all the while keeping an eye on Gabriella.

"If you had told 9-year-old me all that shit, she would've laughed in your face and told you to stop playing!" The two friends erupted into laughter.

Victoria couldn't help but admire Gabi, noticing the way her loose bouncy curls swayed as she spoke, how her nose crinkled up when she laughed, and how her tongue peeked out to moisten her lips after most sentences.

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