All falls down.

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As Jae entered the dorm room, she found Alani packing up her belongings, a determined look on her face. Alani broke the news that she was moving in with Devon at his place, catching Jae off guard.

Jae couldn't help but chuckle with jealousy as she processed the information. She couldn't believe that Alani was making such a big move after everything that had transpired between the two of Them.

Alani's confession about her night with KT only fueled Jae's resentment, and she lashed out in anger, accusing Alani of seeking revenge for her own indiscretions with Devon.

In a moment of vulnerability, Jae admitted to her own encounter with Devon just two days prior, further escalating the tension between them. Alani's gained anger beneath the surface, but she remained calm, refusing to let her emotions get the best of her.

As Alani continued packing, she spoke with determination about the challenges she and Devon were facing, expressing confidence that they would overcome whatever obstacles came their way.

Jae watched in silence as Alani left the room, her mind racing with thoughts of betrayal. Unable to contain her anger any longer, she sent a text to Devon, revealing Alani's infidelity with KT and casting doubt on the paternity of their unborn child.

Jae: "Hey, Devon, can we talk?"

Devon: "what's up?"

Jae: "It's about Alani. I found out something, and I think you should know."

Devon: "What is it?"

Jae: "She cheated on you, with KT."

Devon: *stares at text disbelief* "you frfr?"

Jae: "yea i'm frfr. I just found the other day, but I wasn't sure how to tell you."

Devon: "thanks yo."

Jae: "I'm sorry boo."

Devon's mind swirled with confusion as he processed the news of Alani's infidelity. The woman he thought he knew, trusted, and loved had shattered his world with her betrayal. He struggled to make sense of the conflicting emotions that washed over him, grappling with feelings of hurt, anger, and disbelief.

Meanwhile, Jae couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction wash over her. In revealing Alani's cheating to Devon, she had accomplished something she never thought possible - she had shaken the foundation of their relationship and forced Devon to confront the truth. Despite the pain it caused him, Jae couldn't deny the small thrill she felt at having finally exposed Alani's deceit.

With her belongings finally settled in Devon's apartment, Alani couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over her. She noticed a shift in Devon's demeanor, his usual warmth replaced by a coldness that sent a shiver down her spine. Unable to ignore the tension any longer, Devon confronted her about her infidelity, his voice tinged with a mix of hurt and anger.

Caught off guard, Alani struggled to find the right words to explain herself. She knew she had made a mistake, but she couldn't bring herself to admit the full extent of her betrayal. Instead, she offered a feeble explanation, citing her own pain and vulnerability in the aftermath of discovering Devon's own infidelity as the catalyst for her actions.

Despite her attempts to rationalize her behavior, Alani couldn't escape the weight of guilt that settled heavily on her shoulders. She knew she had hurt Devon deeply, and she was desperate to make amends and salvage what was left of their relationship. Determined to set things right, she made a vow to find Jae, the source of all their turmoil, and confront her about her role in this mess.

She set out on her quest to track down Jae, Alani's mind raced with a jumble of emotions - regret, anger. She knew that repairing the damage done to her relationship with Devon wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it took.

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