Uzumaki baby (pt5)

Start from the beginning

« Come on now. It's impolite to have your company wait for you, I'm sure ain't waiting for them » itachi father said, walking away. « Honey it's the hokage, I'm sure waiting a few second couldn't be so bad » his mother try to reassure just to be ignored. Itachi let out a sign as he fallow them. I skipped my training with shisui to deal with that?

It didn't take long before the uchiha family reached the end of the market street. Mikoto being 8 month pregnant asked for a break resulting in the group sitting down for a drink. A few second later, minato appeared before them in a flash, carrying is wife, arm full of shopping bags, bridal style. « Sorry to keep you waiting, fugaku and Mikoto -Sama »

Mikoto greeted them back. Kushina joining her on the bench before ordering herself sweet tea.

« Say, it has been a while since we last went out to eat » mikoto asked, picking everyone at the table interest.

« You wanna eat out? » the red asked! She's been craving ramen like never before in her life. She was already salavating the image of a fresh boll being put before her.

« i thought more like an 'at home dinner'. How about we visit and I'll help you clean and place your nursery hm? » and this time it was minato turn to speak. Saying he coulnt host as , mostly for the nursery, they were going under renovations at home. Making the house baby friendly was top priority to him.

« you can come by my place then » mikoto ignore the look of disapproval of her husband. She loved him really but his lust for contrôle could be annoying. She gave him a smile before holding kushina hands in hers. « So? What do you think? I'll show you itachi old room and maybe I could get your opinion on Sasuke nursery? Minato I hope it's not a bother »

The fourth laugh at mikoto worries before agreeing. He'll drop off all the shopping bags himself using his flying ragein. Kushina was overly happy at the idea to pass more time with her best friend. They live appart end of the village and didn't get to see each other as often as she wished. And just like she loved to see her husband student, seeing the little itachi always brought her joy and remainded her how much she wishes for her own kids.

To fugaku misfortune, they went on more shopping, getting all they could be needing for tonight dinner. Only going home by sunfall.

The girls laugh at the table. Both caressing their swollen belly as the husband had already left the table to talk politic in the office. Itachi stayed with them. More often then not watching his soon to be born little brother and what he can alsmot see has a step brother or sister. Yes their parent didn't have blood link but kushina and minato was family to him too. 2 siblings...

« That's double the work. I'll have to keep them close if I want to protect my family » he said. Taking the big brother role seriously.

« What did you say sweety? » mikoto asked. Itachi smiled at her saying he was talking to himself before excusing himself to his room where he found shisui hiding himself and his chakra signature.

« Hey shisui, you can come out my closet »

« Do you always speak so coldly in your own room? » the older said, coming out of hiding like asked.

« I have manners. » itachi reply just as coldly, sitting down in his bed. « Why are you here? »

« What happens » he asked, sitting on the bed beside his friend.

« Team 4-5 and 13, broke in and stole some scrolls. They won't tell which one are missing, just the kids were mostly composed of uchiha's.»

The youngest didn't reply. Glaring at the wall before him as if he could curse his home and the ghost living in it. Sometime... even my parents act dead. Mom smile often fake, dad never smiled. It was the first step for a revolution. A group of elder wanting answer and power from the kage. Answer that were disclosed even to the kind blond man. And dads part of that group.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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