Ryan POV

"Good bye, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow."
I said to my daughters on video call.
They are excited for me to come back home because I promised them that I would take them to Disney.
I hang up the phone looking at the time it was already midnight, I was supposed to meet the guys at  the club an hour ago, I told them to go ahead because I had to call my daughters.
I didn't even realize I was on the phone that long.
I got changed grabbing my phone and wallet heading out the room.
Getting into the elevator.

Getting into the elevator

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Aluna POV

"So where are you from?"
He asked.

"I'm from the US"
I said not wanting to get into details with him.

"I know you are from the US because off your accent,"
"I meant where in the US?"

"Um, NY."
I said.

"So where did you learn to cook all those authentic French dishes you serve at your cafe?"
He asked.

"I worked in Paris a little bit."
I said not wanting to lie because my cafe has a large amount of French dishes.

"You know I have family in Paris, they own a chain of restaurants around Europe."
He said.

"Really what's the name of the restaurants?"
I asked taking a sip off my wine.

"L'As du Fallafel."
he said making my eyes widened because that was the name off Theo's family restaurants.

"I was supposed to visit them last month because my cousin Theo was going to get married but they canceled,"
"The bride got cold feet she didn't show up at the wedding."
He said making me almost choke on my wine.

"What a terrible shame,"
"Are you close to your cousin?"
I ask putting down my glass.

"We speak from day to day, but he is low key an asshole he thinks he is better than everyone else."
"Everything is a competition for him."
"I heard he is now with his ex fiancé best friend."

"That motherfucker."
I whispered under my breath.

"Did you say something?"
Dario asked.

I said shaking my head.

"Actually yeah,"
"I totally forgot that I have to prep some stuff for the restaurant tomorrow,"
"I have to get going."

"I thought the restaurant is closed tomorrow don't you spend Saturdays at the gym with the kids?"
He asked looking at me confused.

"Yes but I still have some stuff to sort out tonight."
I said getting up.

"Let me walk you home."
He insisted.

"No it's okay, I walk myself,"
I said grabbing my purse walking out the suite.
I turned the corner walking down the corridor.
I could hear Dario calling my name in the distance but I ignored him running towards the elevator.
I pressed the button a million times until the elevator door opened.
I quickly entered the elevator nearly bumping into the person inside.

"I'm so sorry."
I said to them while bending down trying to fix the strap on my shoe that came off when I was running.

"That's ok."

I instantly gasped recognizing his voice.
I slowly stood up gazing at his shoes straight up at those dark hazel eyes,
those very eyes I kept seeing every time close my eyes at night.
I whispered looking at him.

he said looking at me with the most shocked expression on his face.
We literally stood there staring at each other in silence for a few seconds until the elevator door opened, bringing us out our thoughts,
I quickly walked out leaving him behind exiting the hotel.

"Aluna wait!"
I heard him shouting running behind me.
I quickly took off my shoes running down the pathway towards my place.
I took a few different turns hoping I would loose him in which I did for awhile.
I quickly walked up the stairs to my villa taking out my keys to my door when suddenly I herd him call my name once more,
I looked down seeing him at the bottom of the stairs looking up at me.
I quickly fumbled with the keys opening the door entering my place but was stopped by him putting his foot preventing me from closing the door.
How on earth did he reach up those stairs so fast.
I took a deep breath stepping back letting him enter,
I watched as he closed the door leaning against it looking at me.

Gloves offTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang