Arthur looked at him in betrayal. His brown-eyes bored back into Pierre's sea green orbs. "Didn't you listen to Pauline? This is your fault, Pie Face!"

"Arthur..." Charles stepped in between his brother and friend. He turned to his fellow driver and patted a hand on his chest, like a warning to calm down. "Guys, we can't blame anyone in particular, alright? We're all at fault."

"Says you." Pierre gritted out. "Ever since you got with Victoria, Ginny has been suffering. Fuck you. You were lucky she could look at you with... with..."

Charles glanced over his shoulder at the girlfriend in question. She was standing beside Chloe with a frown sprawled across her red-stained lips. Her hair was frizzy from the humid air outside. Pierre stuck a finger in Charles' chest. "And you threw it all away on some slut!"

"What the fuck did you say?" Max stepped forward, wrapping a protective arm around his sisters shoulder.

"You heard me." Pierre mocked. "Don't even get me started on you, Verstappen. Stealing Chloe away from her bestfriend. The only time Ginny can see her is when she's here for the summer and you can see your girlfriend any time of the fucking day, twenty four seven. And yet..."

"You're blaming everyone else, and not yourself, Pierre. Don't you remember that you're her own personal bully? For fuck's sake... you're worse than your father sometimes. You know that right?" Max puffed out his chest, inching closer to the frenchman.

Pierre breathed in and out before punching Max right in the jaw. He stumbled back on the bright, white, floor and winced at the impact. Pierre leaped on him, slapping him over and over until blood was oozing out of the dutchman's nose. His hands were a black blur of motion. His face was hot and stung. The others were trying to pull him off of Max. Chloe was screaming in his ear and Charles was grunting, almost out of breath from the death lock Pierre had Max in.

"Hey! Hey!" A voice yelled and suddenly Pierre was yanked in the air by someone who had beefy hands. He caught a glimpse of a security guard and cursed.

"Laissez-moi partir! Je dois voir ma petite amie! S'il-vous-plaît! Ma petite amie est de retour! Laissez-moi partir!" Pierre pleaded with the guard, trying to swivel around and face him, but the guy was holding him like a mother kangaroo would.

{Let me go! I have to see my girlfriend! Please! My girlfriend is back there! Let me go!}

"Girlfriend!?" Chloe scratched at Pierre's arm. The guard groaned and walked behind the nurse's counter, setting him down on the hardwood with a thud. Some of the employees were staring with curious expressions. Pierre straightened out his shirt and shot Chloe a smug look. She stuck up a middle finger. "Now you want to say she's your girlfriend!? You fucking stupide, connard! Go fuck yourself!"

Pierre grabbed the guard, his eyes turning into a pair of puppy dog's. "They're her friends. You see? They're trying to keep me away... they're jealous of the love we share."

"The fuck-" Arthur tried to hop the counter, but a nurse readily stopped him.

The guard let out a sigh, not wanting anymore drama. He pointed at the group, who had helped Max to his feet. "Stay here. I'm taking your friend here to find his girlfriend."

Pierre smirked at the others, who were staring in awe. There was chaos. Max was cursing Pierre. Chloe was trying to come at Pierre, but Charles held her back. Arthur was trying to explain the situation to a nurse. Pierre just followed the guard through the personel only doors, and grinned like he'd won a grand prix.

The guard led Pierre into a different waiting room that held the Chalamet's. Pauline stood up at the sight of them, going into her protective mode. Timothee was bouncing his leg out of nerves. Ginny's parents were barely looking at each other and when Nicole tried to hold her husband's hand, he pulled away like she was a disease.

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