Chapter 7

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𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨

"CHAS" i yelled as she passed out, catching her in my arms as she fell. "Fuck, we gotta get her home now" Kai said grabbing Chasity out my hands.We started running to the car and made sure Chasity was inside comfortably and Omari started speeding as he drove off. The drive would have been 19 minutes but Omari thankfully cut it down to 6 minutes. Kai rushed Chasity inside as everyone else got out quickly following him.

    "KHALIL" I said as i sprinted to the office. I burst through the office doors and Khalil was sitting at his desk with Kai and dad in front of him. "KHALIL you have to come down to the hospital room Chas is having some sort of allergic reaction and she passed out" I said as the words just flew out of my mouth. Everyone in the office quickly got up and I ran all the way down to the hospital room we have in the house. I heard loud footsteps behind me so I know they're following me.

    We arrived to the room and Chasity was lying on the bed. She looked really pale. Khalil quickly got to work and started looking for an epipen. He found it and quickly injected her with it. "Can everyone get out I need to work and I have no room to move around" Kahlil said sounding stressed. We all walked out the room and went to grab all of Chasity's bags knowing shes safe.

𝐊𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐥 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨

        Everyone got out leaving me and Chas alone, I can finally breathe and move around more freely. I get straight to work so that she doesn't go into anaphylaxis shock. I start to cut up her shirt so I can start get started with CPR. I finished cutting up her shirt and froze. All on her stomach is bruises, cuts, and scares. Her ribs look fractured and her skin is black and blue, I start a cycle of CPR before quickly locking and shutting the blinds to the room before anyone else saw them.

        I quickly begin to continue CPR and I feel her pulse getting stronger. I grabbed my stethoscope and listen to her heart and lungs. Everything sounds good besides her left lung, it sounds a little wheezy probably because of her fractured ribs. I wrap up her ribs, to help with the healing. I couldn't help myself from examining the rest of her body besides her breast and genital area.

She had bruising and cuts everywhere it covered almost all her skin. I put her in a hospital gown and tucked her into the bed. I put an IV in her and set up her heart monitor and walked out with my head spinning with questions.

What the hell should I do? Was mom abusing her? How did her and Tahj survive this? Was Tahj abused too??

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 


        I slowly open my eyes and quickly shut them. The room I was in was really bright and smelled like antiseptics and disinfectant. I finally opened my eyes to let my eyes adjust to the light. Once they adjusted, I looked around the room. No one was in the room with me and i'm hooked up to some monitors. I started at the ceiling for a few minutes before realizing something.

      Who put me in this hospital gown? My eyes quickly shot down to the gown i was wearing. I look inside of it, i still had my undergarments but my sweat suit was off. SHIT. Who ever took care of me seen my scares and bruises. They must have told everyone i have to get out of here. As i started panicking the heart monitor sped up causing me to panic even more.

I started to rip the IV and the other cords off of me. I jumped out of the bed and looked around for my sweat suit. As I was looking around someone walked in the room. "CHAS what are you doing up and out of bed" I heard Kahlil quietly yell at me as he closed the door. I turned around and froze.

    Kahlil quickly walked over to me and put me back into the hospital bed. "I-i don't want to be here I want my son" I said on the verge of tears. "What's the matter" he said as his face softened. "I don't want to be here" i said as a few tears fell down my face. "you have to get some rest" "well I don't want to be here I want to rest in my bed" "you have to-" "please."

I couldn't help but break down. Kahlil quickly pulled me into him and gave me a tight hug. "'I'm so tired of being afraid I just want to get some rest knowing I'm safe" Kahlil just stayed quiet as he comforted me. "Alright Chas I'll bring you home but before I do I want to talk to you about something"

    "What is it" I said a little worried he would be talking about my scars. "Who did this to you?" I just stayed quiet not wanting to answer him. "Chas. Who did this to you" "I don't want to talk about it" I said pulling away from him. "Okay but I'm going to have to tell dad" My face quickly turned to face him. "NO. Absolutely not" I said getting worked up. "I have to I can't just lie" "yes you can.

I don't want anyone knowing thats a part of my past that I don't want to talk about. If you tell them I'm taking Tahj with me and I'm leaving and I won't be back. I swear to god" "but-" "I will tell him when I'm ready." I got up from the bed and continued to look for my clothes. "Where are my clothes at Kahlil" "In the chair over there under the blanket" I walked over to the chair and grabbed my clothes.

    I walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. I quickly changed into my clothes and walked out. Kahlil got up from the chair he was sitting at and walked over to the door. I made sure I got all of my things and walked out the door. Kahlil put his hand on my back leading me through the halls of the building we were in. It didn't look like a hospital.

We walked out of the building and to a black suv. I got in the passenger seat and Kahlil got into the drivers seat. "Where are we this doesn't look like a hospital" "it's a base" "oh okay, what kind of base" "just a hide out basically" he said. He definitely lied but whatever I'm just ready to go to sleep with my son.

    After about an hour we finally pulled into the driveway and Kahlil parked. I jumped out the car and quickly walked to the door and opened it. I didn't hear anyone downstairs, it was about 10 pm so I just walked upstairs to my room. I opened my door and seen Tahj sleeping in my bed with Embry. I smiled at them and walked over to my closet and picked out some pajamas for me to wear.

I jumped into the shower and quickly washed my body. I got out and walked over to the mirror to look at myself. Some of my bruises are disappearing a little bit and I didn't have anything new on my from when I passed out. I got dressed and walked out the bathroom. I slipped into bed with Tahj and Embry and drifted off to sleep cuddling with my son.


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