Chapter 6

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𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝘼𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙤

     I sat there for about 10 minutes scrolling on my phone and then got up, I changed my clothes so it really looked like I showered. I slowly walked down stairs making sure that the boys weren't in the living room so I wasn't tackled. I walked into the dinning room and everyone was seating sitting down. I sat down in between Omari and Tahj, and the chefs bought out our plates which was shrimp alfredo and sat them down. I looked at my plate and noticed how much food was on the plate, I just stared at it for a while until I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and seen Carter staring at me. I looked down at my plate and started eating, I was eating really slow so that I wouldn't get full fast. After finishing half my plate I couldn't eat anymore.

    I just kind of sat there looking at everyone's plates and I was the only one who had a lot left. I felt something tap my thigh and I looked down and seen Omari's hand. I looked up and seen him looking at my plate, and he bent down to my ear.

"Are you full?" He said looking at my plate
"Yea, i cant eat anymore." I whispered turning to him.

He grabbed my plate and scooped the rest on his plate.

"Thank you" I said giving him a thankful smile.
"Anytime little sis" he said ruffling my hair.

I looked at Tahj and he just finished his plate and was scrapping the sauce on the plate. I let out a small laugh and kissed his head.

"Okay boys after you finish up, Chasity still has to go get school clothes so why don't you start heading out?"

    Everyone agreed and finished up their food and we all got up and put our dishes in the sink. I walked into my room with Tahj because its time for his nap. I gave him a quick bath and put some pajamas on him and tuck him in the bed. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my outfit. It looked good i just had a sweat suit on I put on my Ugg shoes and grabbed my purse. I kissed Tahj's head and walked out the room, I went downstairs and seen everyone waiting in the living room.

"Alright I'm ready" i said leaning on the wall near the living room entrance.

    Everyone got up and walked to the garage, we split into 2 cars. Kai, Carter, and me in one car, and Cameron, Embry in the other. We got in and started driving to the mall. The drive was about 25 minutes, when we pulled up the mall was huge and looked luxurious. We parked and got out, I started feeling a little ill. I just chopped it up to be me eating too much so I didn't say anything.

We walked into the mall is it was HUGE and very georgous.

"What store do you want to go to first bambina?" Kai said walking over to walk near me
"I have no idea let's just walk around so I can see what clothing stores they have" I said still eyeing everything

    I've never seen a mall this pretty before, They really must have a lot of money to be shopping here. We walked around the mall for about 5 minutes until I found a store I really wanted to go into. I walked inside and looked around, I seen a couple things I wanted and walked up to them and looked at the pricings of the items and my eyes widen.  I turned around and looked at something else.

"Sorrella is this something you want?" Embry said picking up the items I was just looking at
"Yea, but it too expensive. It okay I'm looking at other things" I said looking at a cute graphic tee shirt
"Tesoro, you can get what ever you want money isn't a problem" Embry said picking up the clothes
"Yea but I don't want to spend a lot of money on clothes" I turned around and continued looking.
"Whats your size?" Carter said coming up behind me.
"Im an 12 in jeans and a xtra large in shirts" I said picking up some shirts that weren't as bad of a price and put them in the basket Omari had.

    I picked up a couple more things and we went to check out. I tried grabbing some of the bags but the boys grabbed them before I could even lift my finger. I noticed that Cameron wasn't with us anymore.

"Where did Cameron go?" I said looking around the store
"He went to the bathroom" Carter said as we walked out the store
"Oh okay"

Out of that store I probably had about 3 outfits so far so we walked into about 3 more stores and the boys got tired of me picking up a little bit of stuff and started grabbing a bunch of clothes they thought I would like and bought them. Next store we went to was for Tahj since he needed a couple new outfits for school as well. The boys did the same thing and put a bunch of clothes in the basket and bought them, they didn't even know if they matched or not they just picked up what ever they saw. As we were shopping my tongue started to itch, my eyes were watering a little bit, and my lip was itching as well. We were almost done shopping so I just continued shopping. We walked into the shoe store and me and Tahj got a bunch of shoes and all of out hands were full so we just went to the car to drop off the stuff because I just had to go into Victoria's Secret and then we can leave because I need more bras and underwear. I walked into VS with Carter because everyone else didn't want to see what under their sister would be wearing so Embry gave me the card and the rest of the boys sat down at the little area in front of the store.

"Lame" I said lowly as me and Carter walked inside

    I went up to the under wear and started looking for cute one. I picked up all the cute ones I saw and then walked over to the bras and picked up the cute ones I saw over there too. Carter was near the perfumes and I walked over to him.

"You re-" he paused mid sentence and just started at me
"What?" I said waiting for him to finsih his sentence
"Sorella, whats wrong with your face?" he said looking down at my mouth
"I don't know whats wrong?" I looked at the mirror beside me and let out a loud gasp
"What the hell" I said touching my face

I had rashes near my mouth and my eyes were puffing up a little.
"Are you allergic to anything bambina?" Carter said giving me a worried look
"I-i don't know"
"Let's check out and then see what the boys say"
    He grabbed the basket from me and walked up to the cashier and put everything ontop of the counter. I kept my head down so that she didn't see my face. After a couple of minutes Carter paid and grabbed the bags and we walked out.

"Embry come here" Carter said as we walked up to the boys

Embry got up and come up to us, my head still down.

"Look at Chasity's face" Carter said lowly

"alza la testa amore" Embry said coming infront of me
Lift your head love

I slowly lift my head up and Emby just observed my face.

"Amore are you allergic to anything?"
"I don't know" I said shrugging my shoulders
"Alright let's get you home too Kahil so he can see whats wrong" Embry turned around and grabbed his things.

    Everyone got up and I stayed in the back walking with Carter, as we were walking my vision become a little blurry and I blinked and it was gone. We still had a long way to get to the car, I didn't want to be a burden so I just kept walking. We're almost out of the mall doors and everything goes black. Before blacking out I heard Carter yell my name and he caught me before I hit my head.


Hey everyone I really hope your enjoying this book! I will slowly start to write this book I'm trying to balance everything I'm doing at the moment so hopefully I can update as much as I can! I've never finished a book I've wrote before so I'm planning on finishing this one and maybe making a sequel! But you never know what could happen <3 -naii


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