14: Drama

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Recap: Jake smiled and nodded, buckling his seatbelt. It did bother him that Heeseung wasn't even sat in eyeshot from him, but he knew why.

After the incident on stage, they seemed to have gained a lot of unwanted attention from haters and reporters. People seemed confident that they could ruin LOV3-1! forever by stalking them. This...became a major issue...

It only got worse as weeks passed. The "fans" were becoming overly intrusive and crowded and pushed the idols trying to get any little reaction out of them that they could use against them. Suddenly Jake was brought out of his daydreams by a notification on his phone. He opened it to see. 

                                                                   Chat Room With My_Moon_23 

Hey! Jino it's been so long. 

A lot has happened in my life over the past few years.

I don't even know where to start.

Heli! I know it's been a while!

 I missed our late-night conversations.

Same! I'm sorry for being so distant lately.

Truth is I've been spending a lot of time with my lover.

Heck we're even engaged now!

Wow! Congrats! I guess that makes two of us! I am too!

No way that's awesome!

Can I rant to you about my fiancé?

I've been needing to blabber about them and how great they are. 

Of course! I'm all ears!

My fiancé is so strong, brave, caring, generous, smiley, they make me feel lively. 

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