11: Rescue?

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Recap: "I'd like to ask you a few questions...I expect your responses to be truthful, otherwise things may get a little messy..." the man's voice deepened ever so slightly during that last line. Jake hesitantly nodded.

"What are your relations to Lee Heeseung?" those words made Jake freeze in shock. 

He hesitated, unable to respond. He knew he should try to protect Heeseung as much as he could.

"I-I barely know him..." Jake was trembling. 

"LIAR!" Hongjoong kicked a shelf in anger. Jake jumped in fear, he watched the dust settle around the now destroyed shelf. 

The Next Day - Kangdom Building:

"Has he said anything?" Jungwon asked. Heeseung sighed.

"No...He hasn't even read the texts yet..." JayJay gave a concerned look.

"Could you maybe message Ni-Ki, his roommate?" Kuanlin asked.

"I did...Apparently, he didn't show up at home last night..." Heeseung bit his lip nervously. 

"What are we going to do? We debut tomorrow," Seungmin showed much worry. Suddenly Heeseung heard a notification from his phone. He speedily unlocked his phone, seeing it was from Jake. His eyes widened in terror. His gaze lingered on a photo of Jake, tied up and unconscious. His face and arms covered in wounds, seemingly recent. He nervously read the text:

Lee Heeseung, if you'd like to keep Jake alive, you know where to find me - Joongie <333

Heeseung ran out of the room swiftly. "Hyung wait!" Jungwon chased after him. Heeseung bumped into someone, causing them to spill coffee all over. He bowed apologetically and sped off. 

Jungwon, having glanced over and read the text earlier, called his husband quickly. 


Jake's face was stinging violently, after being whipped across the face, and yet he would not answer Hongjoongs questions. Seonghwa, Hongjoong's bodyguard was the most ruthless man Jake had ever seen. He was even scarier than Hongjoong, his methods of torture were vile and inhuman. Jake had withstood, burns, lashes, stabs, beatings, and more. Yet he refused to even mention Heeseung in his answers. The beatings lessened after Hongjoong told Jake that Heeseung was on his way. Jake screamed and fought against the ropes restricting his escape. He couldn't let the man he loved so dearly walk into a trap. If Heeseung died Jake wouldn't be able to go on living. He had struggled enough for their relationship, he couldn't lose it.

Hongjoong's Study:

"My Love, Lee Heeseung is here," Sooha announced, greeting her boss with a bow.

"Thank you Sooha! We won't be needing you anymore it seems," Hongjoong smiled at her blankly. Seonghwa sat by his side smiling as well. Her eyes widened; she looked down at Hogjoong's hand on Seonghwa's thigh.

"B-but I...I'm your girlfriend...y-you can't fire me," Sooha's voice trembled. Seonghwa placed his hand on top of Hongjoong's, making Sooha become angry. 

"Oh? I suppose you could say...I was bored of you. And who said anything about firing you?" Hongjoong smirked. Sooha's gaze was met with a gun, and with a simple movement a bullet pierced her heart. "Jongho...remove the body," he instructed a guard standing by Heeseung. Jongho obliged Hongjoong's orders. Heeseung was shaking, he walked forwards in front of Hongjoong. 

"Where's Jake?" He kept his composure. He didn't care if he were to die, he just wanted to save Jake.

"Now now, not so hasty Mr. Lee. It has been a while, old friend," Hongjoong spoke in an uncomfortably calm voice, considering he just brutally murdered someone. Heeseung twitched fearfully at Hongjoong's friendly speaking. 

"Please, I'll give you whatever you want. Just let Jake go," Heeseung spoke bravely. Hongjoong tsked annoyed. His expression changed to a less friendly one. 

"Oh my, Lee Heeseung, brave as always it seems. You haven't changed much I can tell, just the same stubborn brat as you've always been," Hongjoong's expression grew sour. 

"I came here to stop you from killing Jake. Now let him go! Kill me if you must!" Heeseung shouted. Hongjoong slammed his fists on the table. 

"DO NOT ORDER ME AROUND LEE HEESEUNG! DID YOU FORGET THE PROMISE YOU FAILED TO KEEP?! YOU ARE IN NO POSITION TO DECIDE WHAT I DO," Hongjoong growled. Heeseung tensed up. Hongjoong took a sip of water that Seonghwa handed to him. 

"It seems you are pretending to not know what it is I want," Hongjoong's voice was back to creepily calm. Heeseung shuddered. 

"It isn't mine to give..." Heeseung looked down at the floor. Hongjoong laughed eerily. 

"Oh, but it is...I want it! You promised it would be mine!" He stared to raise his voice. 

"I was an ignorant teenager...I didn't know what I was doing!" Heeseung sighed. 

"You promised me...and you thought your family could just move away to avoid it...if you can't give it to me...I'll kill him," Hongjoong turned on the TV and it showed Jake, who was still fighting to escape. 

"Jaeyun...no..." Heeseung muttered under his breath, he felt the weight finally crush him. "Fine...I'll give you the fucking money...just let Jake go..." Hongjoongs face lit up. Suddenly Hongjoongs head was struck by a bullet. Seonghwa's eyes grew wide with terror, seeing the man wide eyed and motionless. 

"Nice shot Intak" Heeseung turned, hearing a familiar voice. There stood Park Jay, Park Sunghoon, and six individuals who he knew as P1H. 

"You okay Heeseung?" Sunghoon asked. Heeseung nodded, but quickly turned his attention to the TV screen hearing Jake screaming "NO!" "PLEASE!" "DONT!" 

Seonghwa had snuck past them all and was now with Jake. The whole group watched in terror as Seonghwa stabbed a syringe into Jake's neck and drained the liquid, before a bullet stuck Seonghwa in the side, causing him to fall and bleed out on the floor. The shooter being Soul who had followed after Seonghwa when the others didn't see him leave. Everyone ran to find Jake and Soul began to untie the ropes, trying to keep Jake conscious. Heeseung finally made it to the room, and he picked up Jake in his arms. "We need to get to the hospital quick!" he shouted. They all made their way out the building, shooting a few more guards on the way out. 

Heeseung got in the back of Jay's car, and they sped off. He was holding Jake in his arms. 

"Come on Jaeyun stay with me please..." Heeseung pleaded, he felt tears falling down his face looking at Jake's pale face. He was just barely breathing, yet the poison was kicking in quickly. Heeseung watched as Jake slowly lost consciousness. His breathing lessened and lessened and lessened...

To be continued...

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AN: YOOOOOOOOOO sorry this took so long I was having some painful ass writer's block. I hope you enjoy it thoooo! I have the perfect idea for my next series so I've kinda been working on some ideas for that. Again, I'm sorry that the uploads are gonna be slow I'll try to write as often as I can. 

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