Better Doctors

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Blaine woke with the pleasant confusion that comes from a very hard sleep or a very sedated one. He looked around the room trying to find the any signs of familiarity to orient him to where he was. The nearly platinum blond hair of the kid sitting at the other bed staring at him was all it took to bring him back.

"You were out for a long time." Hezekiah said. "I didn't think you were going to wake up."

"What time is it?" Blaine said, his face sore and swollen.

"Time doesn't really matter to me. You know, it's nothing more than a social-"

"What time is it!" Blaine screamed.

The kid jumped and immediately ran out of the room without a word. Blaine attempted to sit up but quickly, felt his wrists and ankles tightly secured to the bed. He was able to move his head enough to see that they had left his now muddy and somewhat bloody scrubs on and just tied him to his bed for the night.

"I have to piss." Blaine yelled at the open door.

A short but muscular male nurse walked slowly through the door with a urinal in his hand. Without saying a word he pulled down Blaine's pants and put the urinal in place.

"Are you kidding me? Just let me up."

"Not gonna happen bud. Now pee or I walk out the door and you can piss the bed."

Blaine tried to clear his groggy mind and attempted to relieve the pressure.

"Who ordered restraints for this patient to point where they can't even go to the bathroom?" A familiar voice said sternly from outside the door.

The nurse stiffened, quickly removed the urinal and pulled Blaine's pants back up.

"Um," the nurse started, hesitating, "Dr. Parker said that until he gives the OK, no one is to remove this patient's restraints, sir."

"You do realize this patient has rights, don't you?" The man said as he walked in, towering over the nurse.

"Sir, this patient tried to kill one of the nurses last night." The nurse said nervously.

"No he didn't. I saw that nurse and she doesn't have a bruise on her. Rather feeble attempt at murder if that were the case."

"Sir, I'm just following Dr. Parkers order."

"You are a nurse. You don't follow orders that violate patient rights. Now leave and do not interact with this patient again."

"Yes sir," he said, scurrying past the tall doctor. "Are you a new doctor here?"

"I'm visiting my patient here, but I know what you are really asking. Go tell your boss that Dr. Latourney told you to get the hell out of here."

Blaine could hear the footsteps running down the hallway towards the nurses station, obviously to tell his supervisor what just happened. Dr. Latourney, Blaine's savior started to untie the restraints.

"Thank God it's you." Blaine said, and he slowly began to move his limbs. Not only had he been restrained in one position all night, but the bruises and road rash smattered across his body were letting him know they existed.

"Don't you have to go to the bathroom, Blaine?" Dr. Latourney asked as if they weren't in the middle of a psych hospital.

Suddenly the fullness of his bladder returned to the forefront of his mind and Blaine quickly walked to the bathroom.

"I fucked up." Blaine said from the bathroom. "How did you know I was here?"

"A friend told me you were supposed to come here for an assessment, but when I checked everything out, your name wasn't on there. A very similar name was and as I looked into it, nothing was making sense. So, I came here late last night and got to watch a very interesting show."

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