Definitely not right

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Blaine opened his eyes to the sound of the door opening. He wasn't sure if he'd fallen asleep or not, but his headache was significantly better.

"Hey man. What's up? What are you in here for? I'm Hezekiah." A young man said, way too fast for Blaine's recently awoken mind.

"Hey, just give me a minute to wake up." Blaine said rubbing his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm in here because I cried in front of my mom. I learned that lesson a little too late."

"You came here because you cried in front of your mom?" Blaine said, squinting at the towheaded teen pacing at the bottom of his bed.

"Yeah, she freaked out and called the cops. Next thing you know, they put me in cuffs and bring me here. So dumb. What's your name."

"It's Blaine. Nice to meet you."

"That's not your name. I heard the nurses. Your name is Peter." He said, his hands starting to fidget.

"I'm pretty sure I know what my name is. When do they do lunch here?"

"You missed it."

"What? Are you serious? What time is it?"

"I don't know. I don't really have any use for time, you know? Like, it's a social construct. It doesn't really exist. Well it does exist, but just not how we are taught. I'm actually a time traveler."

"What?" Blaine said, suddenly very interesting in the rambling.

"Yeah. I travel through time all the time. In fact just yesterday, it was last year. Tomorrow, I could be in the future."

"Never mind." Blaine said, heading for the door.

"You just don't understand it, man, but I will explain it to you. We're roommates now, so we have plenty of time. Ha. Time. Get it."

He didn't bother to tell him, because he didn't want to get him going any further into his explanations, but Blaine had just decided that if the doctor skipped him because he was sleeping, he would just leave and come back another day. He would not be roommates with this crazy kid.

Blaine walked out the door, into the hallway, and followed the sound of people talking until he reached a large open space with a large glassed in area at the back. He saw Nurse John sitting behind a computer. He walked up and knocked on the glass closest to him.

"Yes sir. How can I help you?"

"Apparently, I needed a little nap." Blaine started. "For one, can you tell me what time it is and second, can I see my phone. I need to make a call or at least get a number off there and then I'll just use the phone out here."

Blaine watched the change in John's facial expression and decided that it was not good news.

"So I did get a chance to talk to the doctor about that, and it seems that due to some of the events that happened before you got here, they don't think it's a good idea to have you contacting anyone just yet."

"Excuse me?" Blaine said, his brow furrowing severely.

"Your chart doesn't say what it was, but they were clear that your phone restrictions are to stay in effect for a bit."

"I don't think you fully understand my lack of understanding. I brought myself here. There wasn't anything that happened before I came in."

"I apologize, sir. I am just a nurse and that's what the doctor told me. I really thought he would have talked about that part of your plan when he talked to you."

"I haven't seen a single person, aside from my roommate, since you last saw me."

"He told me he had already talked to you. Hold on, maybe he was thinking of a different patient. Give me a second."

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