Chapter 6

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"You know, if your Father finds out about this, he is going to be furious." Janelle said as she read the first chapter.

"That's why he will never know about it." I leaned forward, tapping on her desk.

"You know this is going to start a wildfire." Janelle raised her eyebrows as she glanced back at her screen.

"Yeah, I know. But it's gonna take someone to attach my family to this story."

"Even though the names have been changed to protect the innocent, everyone is going to know it is The Worthington Family that you are talking about in this book."

"Well, we will cross that bridge if it ever happens. Until then, there is no connection." I looked at her and Janelle shook her head.

"So how often are you going to do updates?"

"Weekly basis." I said. Janelle shook her head again, closing her eyes this time. "What?"

"I'm just thinking of how fast this will shoot to Number #1."

"I give it two weeks."

"Really? I'll give it a week." Janelle replied.

"Seriously? There is no way that is going to hit #1 in a week."

"You fail to realize how messy people are and how much others love it." She said sitting back in her chair tapping her pen on the desk. She was right, people love messy.

"I completely understand, hence the pen name."

"Why Ericka Davey?"

"It was the closest I could get to my favorite writer, Eric Jerome Dickey." I smiled. He was an amazing writer, taken too soon.

"I get it. Good tribute. Well, I will be posting the prologue and the first two chapters later on today. I'm sure it will generate some attention by this evening."

"A week huh?" I asked as I got up and headed towards the door.

"If not less." Janelle said. I smiled and walked out the door. I'll take that bet.

I walked out of her office smiling from ear to ear. Not because I know this story will generate a buzz and bring attention to my ever so popular family, but it will be my first attempt at getting my stories out in public without people flocking to it just because my name is on it. I tried that before, Father was furious because I used my real name and exposed a few things that went on within our household about how the women were kept in place.

The windstorm blew over after a few weeks, it just took another scandal to take the attention off of us. But my urge to write never went away, I wanted to get away from this place and writing was the only escape for me to do so. Everyone on the outside looks at my life as being rewarding to be a member of this family but it comes with so many consequences, others may never know.

Father refused me from having any employment around writing, to be honest he didn't want me to have any job. Mother convinced him to allow me to at least participate in art classes, which allows me to get away from the mansion. I never go to the class, I actually pay a person to attend and I purchase the work they create within the class. As long as I come home with the occasional art pieces, Father doesn't question it. During my supposed art class, I'm in an office at Davenport Book Company writing my story, two days a week.

As I entered my office, my cell phone rang, it was Vicki calling. I wanted to tell her what I was about to do, I knew she wouldn't care, but I wanted her to be prepared just in case Father came after her.

Not My Parents' FavoriteOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant