"Well they are happening again i mean they always have but my body somehow got a little used to it but now they are happening more and more and it's much more than before."

U finished saying and looked up at him with ur doe eyes which for sure did some things to Jungkook whereas for u nervousness was visible on ur entire face cause the way u explained to him, if it was somebody else then they definitely could have hit u with a hammer cause even a toddler can explain how they are feeling better than u which is true.

Nevertheless as always Jungkook understood what u were trying to say and a smirk formed on the corner of his lips.

JK:"well Princess can u explain a little more about it to me."

He spoke as his hands gently and slowly started to caress down ur waist and hips making u squirm to get away but it only made his hold on u tighten.

Blood rushed through each of ur veins which made ur cheeks get coated with a crimson colour. Ur Heart beat became even faster than before. It was already hammering against ur chest but now Jungkook could practicaly hear it which made his smirk even wider.

Usually u would love it when he would cuddle with u or hold u down. Sometimes u even used to annoy him just to get into his arms, lay against his chest but now this same things were making u act different.

Which u liked but now also didn't liked at the same time because as much as u want it ur body would push it away on It's own. Therefore what made u confused the most was that the tingling feelings in ur tummy.

Even though this feelings were never gone but from a few days u started to get this feelings more and more a lot than before.

Y/n:"i-i don't k-know how to say but u see i feel really hot out of a sudden. I could feel my body heating up like a microwave and my heart would beat in an abnormal speed also i weird in my tummy."

JK:"how long u have been feeling them?"

Y/n:"always when i am with u as i said but from a few days it seems they have became uncontrollable but i didn't quite thought about it thinking it will probably go away and then when today i found myself bleeding i really thought i was gonna die and these things were happening to me."

Jungkook softly smiled before giving a long gentle kiss on ur forehead.

JK:"u are growing up Princess."

Y/n:"people grow up little by little every single day."

JK:"yep and by growing up little by little every day people also came across different path. And now u have came across to the path of becoming a young Lady."

Y/n:so i am a young lady now?"

JK:"yes sweetheart and the wierd feeling in ur tummy u told about is called butterflies. Every person gets them when they get attention or affection from certain people they love or like in a romantic way."

Y/n:"so it means i feel for u in a romantic way?"

JK:"i will ans that question when u will cross the path from young lady to actual lady."

Y/n:"not fair."

JK:"Let's sleep now hmm"

Y/n:"no wait didn't u said that we feel butterflies in our tummy when we are in love."


Y/n:"so Does it means that butterflies feel humans in their tummy when they are in love?"

JK:"well umm about that we will ask a butterfly ok."

Y/n:"hmm. But i still feel a bit down u know."

JK:"why Baby?"

Y/n:"i dont know maybe it's because the way i acted was embarrassing-"

Ur words made Jungkook keep his lips in a thin line. Indeed the way u reacted was funny but what probably was more funny and embarrassing was the way he acted.

JK:"well forget about it. The fact that u didn't knew what was happening and acted like that but there was me who acted way more u know."

He said making u remember the incident of his screaming and u laughed out making him laugh too.

Y/n:"u were so funny. It was my first time seeing u in that situation."

JK:"ayy don't talk about it. I had no idea what happened to u and i panicked."

Y/n:"well now i feel better especially after remembering how mom scolded u."

JK:"oh really."

He said and started tickling u making u throw a fits of giggles while squirming to get away.

Y/n:s-stop daddy pls."

He stopped and once again pecked ur crown of the head.

JK:"don't grow up so fast."

Y/n:"now u have also started acting like eomma appa. U know half of life went by just hearing them say 'don't grow up so fast' and now u have also started."

JK:"u won't understand why we always say it. Now sleep u little mood spoiler."

U giggled and hugged him and said.

Y/n:"i love you."

And as always the way his sudden skin contacts always catches u off guard, no matter how many time u tell him u love him it also always catches him off guard.

There were many times u confessed. Every time u could get a treat or sweet sugar from him but he never said those three magical words back.

JK:"i know sweetheart. Me too."



MR PERFECT'S BABY WIFE [ BTS JEON JUNGKOOK (JK) FF ] (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now