Tell Me

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I like to look at him when he isn't looking. I wonder does he even have a clue that he's my whole world. He
probably doesn't..if he knew would he care. How would he react. He exposes my heart with the stroke of every
key, and he's not even aware.

The Sounds of the music softly filters through the room.He's unaware that he has an audience. I closed my eyes and let the music engulf me like warm hug. The only witness to my bliss is his cat. Whom I think is looking at me with resignation.

She doesn't know how you see her. How you drink her in when she's not looking. How you've tried to conform to her likes over the years. She became your muse. You can barely remember a time she wasn't there. You pour your heart into every word you play.

Damn! Shit! Fuck!

Dime que más debo hacer...

"Maybe I should just be myself so she can love me as Me..."

Being his personal assistant over the years had proven to be the hardest task of your life. Not because he's difficult to work with but because from day one he'd taken residence in your mind, moved to your heart shortly after and refuses to move out.

- Noona, it's time for my selfies right.? He eyed you curiously. *it's so cute when she avoids my gaze*...

- Umm. Oh yeah, you're right. Let me get the photographer. Aa I started to walk away he gently grabbed my wrist. I averted my eyes back to him. - Yes, Yoongi...

My eyes drop to his large warm hand on my arm and my breathing becomes ragged. I close my eyes and inhale, letting myself enjoy the feel of his callused thumb rubbing slow circles on the inside of my wrist...
- "Please"... The word is released on the breath that I had been holding. "Tell me." He whispered and my eyes snapped open. - "What.. um.. I.." I couldn't find words. I wrenched your arm from his and fled the room as if Hades himself was giving chase. As I rounded the corner I slumped against the wall to catch my breath. I closed my eyes and took a couple more deep breaths to calm myself. "Damn him. God, I want him!" I didn't realize I had spoken out lout until I heard THAT voice.

- "Was there something you wanted
to tell me"... My words get caught on my throat as he rounds the corner and makes his way to mr. The clicking of his Chelsea boots making my heart race. Now he's in front of me. Lifting my head by my chin.

Cupping my face with his hands. I was cornered, with nowhere to go. Melting into his touch. I wanted nothing more than to smash my lips on his. And ruin that freshly done make up. He'd been practicing his Spanish with me.

⁃ i Dime, por favor ! He leaned in closer. His lips mere inches away from mine.

- 1-I want you Yoongi. I have since day one. And it's driving me insane I can't take it anymore. You are my whole
world. And I feel I can't breath when your not with me. FUCK!!!

Not realizing I had shut my eyes and tears had begun streaming down my face. I shouted the last part. Only when he spoke in a soft deep raspy tone was that I realized the dramatic scene I had created. And felt even more embarrassed.

- Noona I- I. Is that how you really feel, about me? You was saved from answering by a loud purr. We both looked down at his cat rubbing herself against my bare legs. I looked up at him and saw his smirk and I knew exactly what he was thinking.

..Yeah... She's not the only kitty that needed petting...

He knelt down to pick her up, but instead I feel those same callused fingers sliding up my legs as he rose to his feet. His hands stop just short of my barely there panties, under my skirt... Every hair on my body stood up. Afraid to look down I averted my eyes to the ceiling. Under my breath I muttered - 0h my f*cking God. Placing the
palms of my hands to my sides against the wall to steady myself. I heard him chuckle. His fingertips lingering threatening to pull on the seem of my thong.
- What was that kitten? Dime. Tell me what you want... Dime que tu quieres?

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