You disappoint me { Chapter 8 }

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The naive girl standing next to Callum had no inkling of the doubts that one question would raise. "The existence of an individual related to the Crawford family that we aren't aware of?" Serena pondered internally, wondering who they were referring to. Her large doe eyes blinked innocently as she curiously glanced at the young man beside her.

Callum stood with his head lowered, the dark shadow on his face masking the intense anger he held within. Callum knew exactly where these rumors were coming from. Without a second thought, his hand reached out, intertwining with Serena's hand, he pulled her along towards the car with reporters paddling hurriedly behind him, bombarding them with repeated questions about the mysterious prostitute from the night before.

As they approached the car, Callum yanked Serena with him to shield her from the reporters' relentless questions. The absurd queries about a mysterious prostitute captivating a billionaire's heart and causing a feud cut deep into Callum, especially when directed at the girl he sincerely cared about.

They two remained quiet as they were in the quiet space of the backseat in the car, the voices of reporters muffled by the closed doors. Serena watched Callum's beautiful eyes, a fiery glare combined with furrowed brows reflecting the intensity of his rage. The expression portrayed both anger and deep-seated concern that he couldn't conceal.

Despite the hurtful rumors, a smile graced Serena's charming face, Serena no longer felt bothered by them. As long as she had Callum by her side, nothing could harm her. Callum was the cure to every pain she could go through, the solution to her every problem. Why worry when she had the man she loves by her side?

"Take us to Romano Enterprises," Callum ordered the chauffeurs, sending a cold chill of apprehension up Serena's spine. Her doe eyes widened in shock as she heard the determination in Callum's voice. She opened her lips to say something, but as Callum's fierce gaze met hers, she instantly sealed her lips.

The determination to take vengeance on the Romanos was too intense and obvious in Callum's eyes. Nothing could stop him now. Callum was determined to give the Romanos a taste of their own medicine.

"Not now, Serena.. don't stop me," Callum muttered under his breath, averting his gaze from Serena, not wanting to intimidate the girl who is already going through so much. The question about the mysterious family member wasn't what bothered him the most.

It was the question about the adult trainer who caused the two families to fight which bothered Callum the most. This rumor can't be coming from news reporters without someone putting them into their mouth. It was without a doubt the Romanos. Who were professional when it comes to tarnishing someone's reputation.

Now, it was Callum's turn to give them a dose of their own remedy, to make them experience the repercussions of their actions.


As the sleek car pulled up in front of Romano Enterprises, Callum and Serena stepped out, facing the imposing structure. The determination in Callum's eyes hadn't waned; he was ready to confront the Romanos.

An aura of unwavering authority surrounded Callum as he navigated, with Serena, through the swarm of reporters blocking the entrance of the Romano Enterprises.

The aggressive flurry of camera flashes and probing questions from the press seemed orchestrated, a calculated move by the Romano family to keep their name in the headlines. Callum couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration as he realized the Romano Enterprises had become embroiled in the media frenzy, their private affairs now fodder for public consumption.

The reporters had reached out to the Romano Enterprises, bombarding them with relentless inquiries regarding the events of the previous night. It was no surprise to Callum; after all, the Romano family thrived on publicity, manipulating the media to their advantage whenever possible. They relished the opportunity to generate buzz, to keep the drama alive and the onlookers enthralled with every twist and turn of their glamorous lives.

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