A secret to tarnish you { Chapter 7 }

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In the enormous study, everyone gathered one after the other, their attention gravitated towards grandson and the grandfather the moment they emerged through the doors of the enormous study room, their gaze momentarily shifted from both of them.

The room felt cool as they entered one by one, but within few seconds, it became suffocatingly hot, probably from the strong palpable energy exuding from both the grandson and grandfather was so thick in the air it made it uncomfortably hard to bare. It was anything anyone had ever experienced, but still, they awaited patiently impending justice

Old Master Crawford's wizened and wrinkled face, along with his long beard hiding the similar features that Callum inherited, contrasted sharply with the aura of power that seemed to flow from him.

Nevertheless, his grand son wasn't any less compelling than him. Callum's confidence was quiet yet profound, a steady assurance that seemed to say, "I know who I am, and I'm not to be defeated."

Seated opposite his grandfather, Callum embodied a symbol of power and influence, cradling Serena in his lap. He was determined not to let her stray from his side even for a moment, driven by a fear that something or someone could hurt her once more. Once again, he would feel guilty for not protecting her. The weight of responsibility settled on Callum's shoulders as he nestled Serena closer to his protective embrace, haunted by a nagging sense of remorse for any perceived failure to shield her from harm.

Especially following the recent incident, Callum became increasingly cautious and alert. The horrifying image of Serena being hurt had planted a seed of terror in his mind, prompting a heightened sense of vigilance.

His piercing eyes bored into his grandfather's soul with no fear, like twin embers, held an unwavering intensity that seemed to dissect the very souls of those who dared meet his gaze.

Both were adorned in impeccably tailored suits, each one holding a statement of their impeccable taste and wealth, they sat in their thrones with an air of regal nonchalance.

"I do not regret anything I have done." Callum said with an affirmative tone. He looked towards the Romanos firmly in the eyes, without a trace of regret. The mere timbre of his voice, deep and resonant, carried an undertone of authority that effortlessly swayed opinions and silenced dissent.

Old master crawford clenched his fist into a ball the moment he heard those words escape Callum's mouth. How ignorant and embarassing was his grandson! He was not feeling guilty of the crime. Where have his morals gone? The more he thought about how insensitive Callum have become regarding keeping families reputation the more he was reminded of the past he didn't want it to repeat.

Callum, unaware of Old Master Crawford's thoughts, could only discern that his words had stirred anger in the elderly man. Nevertheless, he did not care little bit for his grandfather's unjust behavior. Returning the glare with equal intensity, Callum stood firm in his conviction, unwilling to be swayed by the disapproval in Old Master Crawford's eyes.

In the vast study room, a hushed silence fell over the onlookers as the two furious men locked eyes. Their glares carried an intense animosity, creating an unspoken duel of smoldering hostility between them.

Callum was the first to avert his gaze, deeming it more worthwhile to concentrate on other matters. The gentle girl nestled in his lap held a silent wish that he and his grandfather would cease their quarrel, as she consistently stepped in to diffuse their conflicts in the past, serving as the mediator between them.

However, this time, Serena's silence was unusual. Her thick, long lashes cast soft shadows on her eyelids, concealing the tears that gathered, poised to reveal the pain she felt as they argued with each other because of her.

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