Chapter Four

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As consciousness gently washed over, my eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted by a disorienting whirlwind of confusion. My mind struggled to piece together the fragments of memory, desperately seeking answers to the enigma that surrounded me. Where was I? How did I find myself in this mysterious place? Lost in contemplation, my gaze inadvertently fell upon the cold, unforgiving floor beneath me, as if it held the secrets I sought.

Yes, just as I delved deeper into the recesses of my mind, a symphony of sound abruptly shattered the silence. The rhythmic cadence of footsteps reverberated through the air, jolting me from my gaze, and there, before me, stood a figure bathed in an aura of intrigue. Their polished, obsidian shoes commanded attention, their lustrous surface reflecting the flickering light as if mirroring the enigmatic nature of the person who wore them. But still, it was blur, I could hardly see the face but somehow I knew who was it.

"Zach?" I ask.
But no response.
"What happened to me?"
Again, no response.
My body was weak, causing me to lose consciousness and fall back onto the bed.


"Mother please, you shouldn't be part of my problems like that."
After consuming all 12 glasses of whisky, the bottle is now vacant in my grasp. My weary gaze, accentuated by my seductive, droopy eyes, tempted me to surrender to slumber. However, I resisted the urge, for I had endured a long rain-soaked day.

"For how long is she going to be locked up here?"
Mom's voice suddenly escalated,  causing me to lose my composure. Desperately wished she wouldn't inquire any further, as I was not prepared to answer any more questions.
"Zach, I'm talking to you." I look straight into her eyes trying hard to not fall asleep.

"For some couple of days, weeks, or maybe months." I shrugged off my shoulders, as I took another bottle of whisky, mom immediately took it off of me, making me face her again.

"Listen here, that girl needs to go back home, you can't punish her like that. "

"She humiliated me, Mom!" I let out.
"She is not going anywhere until I say so."
I rise from my seat and abandon her perched on the kitchen counter, making my way towards my bedroom.


Leaning against the door, I couldn't help but be captivated by the sight of Gabriel peacefully slumbering, seemingly lost in her world. Her legs were slightly spread apart, with only her blue jeans and the long jacket she wore providing any semblance of modesty. As I removed my watch and discarded my black shirt, leaving only my trousers on, I grabbed a blanket from the closet and carefully laid on the Davenport. glancing at her once more, I couldn't bear to disturb the tranquility of her beautiful sleep.

I approached her, gently removing her shoes, and gradually unveiling her jacket to expose her black bra. Reluctantly, I proceeded to unbutton her jeans despite my initial hesitation.

I don't want to hurt her, I gazed back at her again, making my blood run rapid, her ebony skin was gleaming, and only the lights of the city brought a perfect light on the entire bedroom, damn.!
The exposure of her body made my heart mound, I accidentally moved my hand on her soft titties, and feeling the warmth of it made me more crazier.

As I descend my gaze, fixated on her lower part, her waist elicits an electrifying sensation, sending shivers down my hands, yearning to caress them with closed eyes, I envision my beloved, my soulmate, the woman who graces my every day, the epitome of my existence.

"Zach." her moans, made me lose focus, "Zach!".
"Amelia!" I groaned, feeling her touch on my lower front, the other hand touching my well-built chest. Her moans on my ears, make me forget about everything important.
"Fuck me!" her voice becoming more sexier when she let out those words.

I withdrew my hand, feeling guilty for my actions. I knew I had to control myself it was becoming increasingly difficult. Her beauty was captivating, and I couldn't resist the temptation. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself, I didn't want to hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable.

I should have known better, dammnit!
How could I touch her as if it was her?
Why am I thinking of her? Why did I touch her like that? Reminding me of how stupid I thought she was Amelia.

I went back to Davenport and covered myself with the blanket.
My eyes were not off of her.
But somehow I'm still angry at what she had done, besides she made me lose all my business deals because she slept with Mr. Tjantjies.
It is still ruining my company's name,  I didn't want to become the CEO of my own company. I have to make a big decision of my entire life and make a big announcement at the board meeting tomorrow. 




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