Chapter Seven

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"Just tell me how did you end up in my boss's house?" Stella couldn't bring herself to sit down after learning the harrowing tale of how I had come to be trapped in this place.
I had bared my soul to her, hopeful that she would be my salvation. We found refuge in the garden, ensconced among towering, meticulously pruned trees, ensuring our clandestine conversation remained hidden from prying eyes and attentive ears.

"Stella I already told you everything please help me get out of here."

Her apprehensive expression revealed that she was hesitant to take the risk to aid me. With nightfall upon us and Zach's absence providing a prime opportunity to flee, thoughts raced through my mind about his whereabouts. Yet, at that moment, my singular focus was on finding my way back home.

"Gabby you are about to get me in trouble, I will get fired."

"Stella you can't let me stay here, what if he kills me?"I said.

"He would never do that to you."

Our eyes widened in alarm as the gate swung open, admitting a car into the mansion ground. My heart raced in my chest as we crouched, concealed among the meticulously trimmed trees in the garden, the sudden rainfall adding to the sense of urgency. Stella was a mix of rage and anxiety, but with the gate now ajar, the opportunity to escape clandestinely beaconed us.

Stella remained frozen,  her movements resembling that of a puppet as I struggled to soothe her escalating panic. In a movement of desperation, She inadvertently brushed against a protruding red button hidden among the grass, triggering a sudden cascade of lights that inundated the garden.

The dazzling glow emanating from the spherical bulbs illuminated our surroundings, casting an ethereal light over the scene. Yet, the realization dawned upon us that these lights were not for our admiration but we were an alarm signaling an intrusion. Panic set in as my gazes met Zach's accompanied by his inposing bodyguards, their eyes scanning the garden. I instinctively buried my face in that tree's rough bark, praying fervently that I remained unseen.

Stella's terrified expression made me fear our lives, her eyes pleading for help. I glided down to see two imposing figures in a black suit and shiny shoes——Bodyguards who had caught us just red-handed.  My heart sank as I realized we had been caught in the act. The situation was not looking good.

"No no no! Please let us go." I tell them.

I pleaded while Stella faced the approaching figures, but before she could react, they grabbed her and held her firmly in their grasp.
"I told you not to dare try to escape, you won't leave this house until I say so."
As I turned around, A voice behind me revealed Zach's presence, his clothing soaked from the rain and his hair damp. The tension in the air was palpable as we faced our impending fate.

"You have to let me go." it's like I never said anything to him as he remained silent and stood still like a robot.
"Take her away from here, Stella you fired."
"No no no, please don't fire me, I need this job."

"Take her away."
The bodyguards dragged Stella forcefully towards the waiting car, As I waited helplessly as they drove away from the estate. Tears streamed down my cheeks, my trembling lips curled in anger as I faced the man responsible for taking my cousin away from me. He stood before me, his gaze unwavering as he awaited my reaction. The sense of betrayal and helplessness weighed heavily on my heart.

"I hate you."
"I already know that, and I don't care."

He drew nearer, his hands tracing circles on my waist, sending shivers down my spine and making me lose my senses. At that moment, I forgot all about the hatred I had professed for him, forgetting that he was Zach. As his lips inched closer, I snapped out of the trance, opening my eyes abruptly and pushing him away.

"Don't dare try to seduce me, you took my sister away from me."

"I thought you were enjoying that."

The sudden clarity brought a rush of conflicting emotions as I struggled to make sense of the situation.


I woke up in a bed that was not my own, feeling a sense of disorientation. Determined to clear my mind, I made my way to the bathroom and turned on the shower allowing the cascading water to wash away my worries. Lost in contemplation about how to regain my freedom, I finished showering and noticed a door I had never seen before.

Curiosity piqued, I wondered if it may lead to another room, perhaps even his changing room. A mix of apprehension and intrigue-filled my thoughts as I hesitated, unsure of what I might find beyond the closed door.

Sliding the door open, I opened into a stunning changing room adorned with a gleaming white wardrobe showcasing an array of high-end shoes and designed heels. The sight of luxury items and prestigious brands only served to intensify my longing for my previous life. As I glanced around the room, my eyes fell upon a large screen filled with an assortment of photos. One picture in particular caught my attention, depicting Zach with a radiant woman by his side. Both of them smiling in each other's company.

The image left me with a flood of emotions as I observed the intimacy between them, raising questions about the true nature of their relationship.

I found myself pondering the identity of the woman in the photo, their apparent happiness hinting at a close relationship that seemed like that of a husband and wife.  Yet, the implications of such a connection left me perplexed why would Zach confine me in his place if he had a wife? And why had I not encountered her before? Those puzzling thoughts, swirled in my mind as I approached the picture for a closer look.

Suddenly the tense atmosphere shifted as Zach entered the room behind me, his expression twisted into a visage of fury that was unrecognizable to me. This was not the calm demeanor I had come to know. Without warning, he pushed me against the white walls, Tapping me with a firm grip on both of my hands, his eyes piercing mine with a dangerous intensity it was a startling and alarming change from the Zach I thought I knew, leaving me apprehensive and uncertain of what would come next.
"Why is you woman causing more trouble? who the hell permitted you to get in here?" he yelled.

"I came here to change I'm not causing any trouble." I lied.

"Listen here you pervet, street girl whatever you are if I ever see you here again, you might forget about living a peaceful life. This is my..."

"Your wife's room." as I finished the sentence for him, Zach's furrowed brow softened and he released my hands. His expression was a tumultuous mix of emotions, leaving me unable to decipher his thoughts. abruptly, he retreated from the room, leaving me standing there with a whirlwind of unanswered questions swirling in my mind.

Why did he react that way when I mentioned his wife? What secrets lay buried beneath the surface? Was there a reason he departed so abruptly? suggestion something amiss concerning his wife? the uncertainty gnawed at me, fueling my curiosity and driving me to seek the truth behind his mysterious behavior. 

The door swung open, revealing Zach exiting the room. An elderly woman stood by the doorway, The same woman I had seen the previous morning. Zach walked past her, our eyes met, and she hurriedly left as though concealing something. A hunch formed in my mind, this could very well be Zach's mother. With a growing sense of certainty, I had no doubts regarding her identity.

As the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place, a plan began to form in my mind. I knew exactly where to find the answers to the lingering questions that had been haunting me.



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