Chapter Eight

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I was nervous, unprepared for Zach to see me in the light of his wife. Nonetheless, my anxiety was not strong enough to deter me; backing out was no longer an option.

"Relax, why are you so afraid of him?"
"I am not, but I am sure he knew what his wife looked like."
"I have told you everything about Amelia, so please relax, okay?"


As the door swung open i maintained my composure, Choosing not to glance at the newcomer.  Instead, I continued my conversation with Mrs. Patel, seated in a manner that usually left me feeling uneasy. Clutching a glass of wine, memories of my days as a model, savoring only the finest flooded back to me.

The sound of footsteps grew closer, eventually coming to a halt just behind me. I knew it was him. Mrs. Patel is across from me, with only a table separating us. As I turned to face Zach, a look of utter surprise crossed my face after only catching a glimpse of him.

"Hey babe," I said, at least my accent was gone; it was not too difficult to speak like Amelia.
He was still shocked as If I had just woke up from the dead.
"Yes, im back my love." I smile as I stood up walking to his direction for a hug.
"Why did you come back? What do you want?"
I gazed downward,striving to mask the turmoil within, to maintain the facade of Amelia. His eyes_atumultous  sea of hatred,love, and pain_betrayed his inner conflict . For the first time i witnessed Zach's tears. His gaze conveying a silent,heartrending message.

"Please get out of my house right now."
"Babe you can't do that to me remember im your wife, we married."
He held my hand and looked at the ring on my finger, Amelia's ring.

"Where did you get these from?"

"It's my ring of course , you bought this ring for me as a gift."

"Mother where is Gabriel?"

I look down as I try to not act crazy , right now things are going to be worsened.
"Uhm ...I had to... I let her go." Mrs.patel tells her son.
"You did what?"
"Don't blame mother, im the one who escorted her out. I assumed that since I was here, we would not need her anymore."
"And who gave you the right to do that?" Huh? Did not you leave and abandon our happiness, love, and the most precious thing we ever had for..."

He inhaled deeply, making a valiant effort to control his rage.Nonetheless, my thirst for understanding was insatiable. Without saying anything, he left, ordering his bodyguards to expel me from the premises with force. Mrs. Patel stood there, powerless, her eyes reflecting my plight, offering silent sympathy but no solution. Despite the setback, I was determined to find another way into the house and reclaim my identity as Amelia.


I was ensconced on the couch, surrounded by a sea of whisky bottles, a stark reminder of the fragility of a marriage I thought had ended two years prior. A sudden knock on the door jolted me back into this infernal existence. My confidant entered: my best man, not only my long-time driver, but the sole keeper of my trust. Mr Domingo was more than just an employee; he was a friend and comrade who stood out from the rest. In his presence, I discovered an ally, someone who saw past the chauffeur's uniform.

"I have come to check on you, sir; I noticed you were not well yesterday."

"Is it even important?" I inquired, taking a large gulp of my beverage.
"Yes, it does matter; I understand she hurt you, but it is time to forgive."
"I can not forgive her, and I do not want to see her either."

He sighed and took a seat next to me, my furrowed brow darting at his mug, waiting for him to tell me something I did not expect to hear right now.
'' I know you still love her, and I believe she is here for good.

"I do not really care." I shrugged my shoulders and reached for another glass.
"I am aware that you care."
'I am not sure why she is here."

"Perhaps you should cool down and let her speak for herself."
I turned to face him again, daggers on my face.

Perhaps I should give her a chance to explain why she is making a comeback.
But wait, did he just...? Oh no, I hope I am wrong.
"You got her back here!"
"Just be a man and deal with your problems."

No, no! Domingo!

"You may face termination for this."
He shrugged his shoulders and stood at the door, ready to leave.
"I am already prosperous."
I lean on the palm of my hand, holding my head. The thought of what I would do about confronting Amelia.



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