Chapter Six

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"I have said what I said and I won't repeat myself."

"Sir, I understand that you are angry but please understand that Mr Tjantjies has been in charge here for you very well, you can't dethrone him because of a whore."

The entire chamber is filled with heat, I don't know why I find it affecting me hurtfully when he referred her as a whore.
"Say that one more time and you will be fired." I tell the young man. The young man and I have been engaged in a heated debate for the past thirty minutes. As frustration builds within me, my hands instinctively clench into a tight fist, fueled by anger and a strong desire to strike his face. Admittedly, I posses a somewhat volatile temper when it comes to such situations, and I find solace in the fact that the Tjantjies who tried to destroy my company name, their absence suggests I no longer require their assistance in managing my company.

When it came time to vote, I didn't worry about whether I would receive more or fewer votes than the Tjanjies. After all, I am the founder and I built the company from the ground up. so, it was no surprise to me when the Tjantjies received fewer votes. This provided the ideal opportunity to manage the company in the way that I saw fit.

As soon as everyone had excused themselves, the young man who had been fervently defending the Tjantjies remained seated, while my bodyguards stood faithfully by my side. With subtle gesture, I cautioned them to allow me to address him personally.

"And what are you waiting for?" I asked in a strict manner I could alter  .

"I just don't understand, Mr Tjantjies only made one mistake and now he is fired? No longer the CEO?"

His statement made me little concern of how this young man was so concerned, I frown a bit.

"What is your point in all of these?"
I exhale as I wait patiently to listen to the young man.

"My point is whores should be the one's to be tossed out of the company, sure enough that she tried to seduce him."

I saw my patience and humbleness battle with the anger inside of me that I didn't want to come out. Why is this making me angry? But I hate it when someone says she is a slut. I will kill him.
"If you say the word whore one more time, I swear you will regret it."

"My pardon sir." he bow his head down in fluster.
"I don't really want to discuss this with you and never will I have time for this, if you feel pity for the Tjantjies you free to quit this job."

As I left the office his eyes grew wide,  mirroring the astonishment and disbelief that had settled within me. I could feel the weight of responsibility as I adjusted my glasses, a feeble attempt to regain composure amidst the chaos that surrounded me. My first day as the new CEO was a whirlwind of activity, leaving my head spinning with a delicate fragility.

The constant influx of tasks and decisions demanded my attention, overwhelming me with the magnitude of my new role. To add to the frenzy, an assistant incessantly entered and departed  my office every now and then, interrupting my thoughts and offering me steaming cups of coffee every two hours.

Acknowledgment of the immense responsibility that now rested on my shoulders. As I plan to leave the office, I couldn't help but reflect on the magnitude of the journey that lay before me knowing that I had to navigate the chaos and establish my presence as the new CEO.

I release a slow breath, feeling the weight of fatigue settle upon me, as I retrieve my suit jacket and grasp my suitcase firmly. Determined to make my exit. I stride deliberately towards the door, just as I am about to step out, my gaze collide with a mysterious woman standing in my path. Instantly,  a peculiar sensation washes over me, leaving me momentarily captivated. This enigmatic figure obstructs my way, her face shrouded in a hazy blur that obscured recognition, yet somehow evokes a sense of familiarity.

  My head started to whack once again.

"Babe." her voice resonated through the room, a sense of familiarity washed over me, causing me to pause and retreat, she pressed me as I leaned against the nearby table for support.
"Who are you?" I asked again, as I gathered my bearings, my gaze fell upon a woman with a chic brown bob hairstyle,  accentuated by a bold shade of red lipstick.
"I have missed you so much."
She kissed me on my neck, making me affected by her touch, her lips moving around my neck. In that moment, a realization struck me_The obnoxious and bothersome assistant have tampered my coffee, tainting it with this repulsive addition.

"I know who you are and you are fired." I said, but none of that stopped her from what she was doing to me.

Her touch was electrifying, sending shivers down my spine as she continued to fondle me with her soft hands, I couldn't resist her any longer, my body craving her touch and her lips on mine.

As she took me in her mouth,  I groaned with pleasure, feeling her tongue swirl around me teasing me to the brink of ecstasy. She caressed my chest with her hands and somehow I let her unbutton me.

Her kisses moving around my chest and slowly with pace bending down to my pants, unzipping me and made a reach to my hard big dick. Her mouth moving and playing with it.At this point I lost my mind I didn't want to ruin this moment right now, whoever is this woman all I knew she was doing me so good. 

I couldn't hold back any longer, my body convulsing as I exploded in her mouth. I looked down at her, my heart racing with desire. She smiled up at me and asked.

"Mmh! Did you like it Zachariah?"

When I heard her call my name, it was now clear that who is this women that gave me an amazing blowjob. From her accent, the smell of her perfume and her signature touch I should've have noticed it was her.
What is she doing here? I thought we had a deal to not bother each other ever again. Why is she back.




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