Chapter 14.5 | Lunch Break

Start from the beginning

The noise of overlapping chatter is deafening as always, which makes it kind of hard to have a conversation with anyone who's more than three feet away.

y/n: Uh... Nah. Actually, maybe a drink.

Robin: Sweet. I'll go on ahead, then. See you in a bit.

I make a mental note of the direction Robin leaves in so it's easier to find him later.

I'm not really in the mood to wait fifteen minutes in line for a drink, though, so I instead make my way to the vending machines that are shoved against the wall in a back corner of the cafeteria. I notice that there's a small group of people there, including a certain gloomy, purple-haired girl who cautiously takes a sip of energy drink before cringing at its flavor.

Raven: Ugh... tastes like shit...

y/n: You pull an all-nighter or what?

Raven: Huh? Oh, y/n... I- Sort of. I'm running on three hours of sleep and a cup of coffee, so... yeah... Feeling pret-ty exhausted today.

y/n: Yeah, you dozed off for a while during Calc.

Raven averts her gaze and takes another swig of her energy drink.

y/n: You should sleep more.

Raven: I've been busy.

y/n: With what?

Raven: Uh... you know, TV shows... ugh, this is pathetic-are we really having small talk in front of the vending machines?

Raven suddenly crumples up the brightly colored can of energy drink and levitates it over into the nearest trash can. There's a hint of annoyance in her voice now; her sudden change in demeanor sort of catches me off guard as I rub my neck apologetically.

y/n: Did I say something?

Raven: I... look, I'm really tired right now, so... can you get to the point? Like, do you want something from me, or...

I stay silent for a while, not really sure how to respond. Right now, all I could think about was how beautiful she looked-her siren eyes, her parted lips, the way she was standing, how the sunrays illuminated the accents of her face, occasionally parted by stray strands of dark hair that fell down to her nose-I couldn't help but appreciate the sight.

Raven: Hello?

y/n: Well, I just... think you're really pretty, and... I wanted to get to know you better.

This time, it was her turn to be speechless for a solid minute.

Raven: ...Okay, uh, not the answer I was expecting. At all.

y/n: What were you expecting?

Raven: I don't know, like... I thought you were making small talk just 'cause...

She grins ever so slightly to herself as I wait for her to continue.

Raven: You... like me?

I just sort of nod, not feeling the need for any words at the moment.

Raven: God, okay. Great... I've been, uh... I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now. Sorry I snapped, I'm just feeling really drained today.

The ensuing silence seems to last for an eternity, before she finally decides to say something again.

Raven: Can I give you a hug? I'm... usually not a big hug person, but I... kinda want one right now.

I smile and hug the sleep-deprived gremlin, eventually breaking away to see her cheeks blushing a faint red-a rare display considering her usual attitude.

y/n: Should we exchange numbers?

Raven: ...Sure.

(3rd Person POV)

Cyborg: You hear Peter cooked Flash in a 1v1?

Robin: Peter Parker? When?

Cyborg: This morning, apparently.

Robin: Wouldn't have seen that one coming.

Beast Boy: Damn. I guess the boy was on demon time.

Beast Boy laughs and takes an enthusiastic chomp out of his veggie wrap as y/n sits down at the table beside Cyborg.

Cyborg: Yo, y/n. What took you so long? Locker problems?

y/n: Nah, I was talking to Raven.

Robin: Fun. Anything interesting happen?

y/n: Kinda.

Robin: I see.

Boy Wonder doesn't bother to press further, already having a pretty good idea of what had happened.

Beast Boy: You guys wanna come over and watch a movie Saturday?

Cyborg: What're we watching?

Beast Boy: Don't know. Terra wants to watch some chick flick and I didn't wanna be the only one to suffer through it.

Robin: So, you're collecting more victims?

Beast Boy: Kinda, yeah.

y/n: "Misery loves company".

Beast Boy shrugs as y/n bites into a calorie bar, smirking.

Beast Boy: Oh yeah! I think it's called Legally Blind.

Cyborg: Legally Blonde, idiot.

The four boys burst into laughter as the camera zooms out on the shot, panning towards the rest of the busy cafeteria as the scene slowly fades to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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