Chapter 9

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Palace of Tamaran | ?:??

(Blackfire POV)

I'm genuinely surprised at my sister's sudden declaration and I feel my anger fade a little.

Blackfire: Did... did you hit your head or something? There's no way you're beating me. I'm stronger to begin with and I've got the jewel.

Starfire: Do not underestimate me, sister.

I shrug, deciding that I shouldn't hold back if she asked for it.

Blackfire: Whatever you say.

Starfire shoots towards me and releases a star beam straight at my face, which I easily dodge with a little sidestep. I dart into the air to match her and exchange a couple of blows before clobbering her back into the ground with an overhead.

She slowly gets back to her feet and dusts herself off before firing another barrage of beams right at me. I respond by nonchalantly deflecting them away with my hands. I warp behind her and aim a beam of my own at her back, which she barely manages to avoid in time. Starfire quickly jumps into the air and begins raining star beams down at me as I effortlessly conceive a barrier using the jewel's power.

My sister pauses her assault, clearly looking worn out.

Blackfire: Tired already? You're so pathetic.

Starfire: Just shut up!

Starfire rockets straight into my stomach, which admittedly stings a little. The two of us go flying dozens of feet in the air before I manage to get her off me by aiming a close-range blast right at her as she tumbles back down to the ground limply.

Blackfire: You're still just the same stupid little sister you've always been. You'll never match my strength, Koriand'r. Not in a million years.

Starfire: Maybe you are the right. I might not be as strong as you. But you are the only stupid one here.

I feel my stomach drop as I see Starfire clutching the jewel of Charta in her hand. I anxiously feel for the jewel on my collar only to notice that it is indeed gone.

Blackfire: I swear to- ...Ugh, I'm going to kill you!

My sister gives me a smug grin I've never seen before and crushes the gemstone in her fist, letting the pulverized shards of crystal fall to the floor through the gaps in her hand.

My eyes light up again in outrage as I approach my sister. She's still on the ground, fiddling with the remains of the jewel, probably just to piss me off.

Blackfire: You really shouldn't have done that.

I grit my teeth as I charge up my energy to blast her into oblivion. But just as I'm about to do it, I'm interrupted by the sound of a wall crashing down as hundreds of Schlurch soldiers make their way into the great hall.

Chaos ensues as the guards ready their weapons and the crowd of onlookers scatter in a panic. Some stay behind, bracing themselves for battle while others flee from the scene in a frenzy through the hall's exits.

Blackfire: For fuck's sake, what now?!

Starfire's friends immediately rush over as Glgrdsklechhh goes to join his forces.

Robin: You okay, Star?

He helps my sister up to her feet gently.

Starfire: Yes... Although the jewel of Charta was very much sharper than I imagined.

She opens her fist to reveal her palm which is bleeding profusely from multiple deep cuts. Robin kneels down and quickly bandages it, because that's what heroes do.

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