Chapter 4

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HIVE Academy | 1:21 PM

(y/n POV)

The bell rings, signaling the end of lunch. Raven and I begin heading to our next class along with the other students, which is apparently combat training. I know I'm supposed to be here on recon, but I can't help but feel a little excited to test my strength.

Robin (over comms): y/n! How's everything going so far?

y/n: Pretty smoothly, I'd say. Getting familiar with the place, you know?

Robin: Good to hear. We're just checking in for now.

y/n: Yeah, we'll call you back when we find out more.

Robin: Alright-

Beast Boy: Don't forget to take pictures, yo!

y/n: Sure... I guess.

I quickly shut off comms and breathe out calmly, looking around to make sure nobody had overheard. I then hurry over towards Raven and the others who are about to enter what looks like another classroom, along with quite a few other students.

Jinx: You coming, y/n?

y/n: Yeah.

We enter a large, open room with ceilings at least 60 feet [18 m] high. Everything from the walls to the floors is coated in a punchy shade of yellow paint, like an endless expanse of mustard smeared everywhere. Up above, there's a viewing deck behind glass panels which circles around the whole arena like an amphitheater, accompanied by what seems to be a control room just above it.

Brother Blood: Hello, my pupils.

A voice booms over the loudspeakers as an old guy with eccentric hair pops up on an enormous LED display.

Brother Blood: Welcome, welcome. Ah, I see some new faces with us today... Interesting. For those of you who are unaware, I am Brother Blood, the headmaster here at HIVE academy.

There's some light chatter from the students around me.

Brother Blood: As you can all see, this is HIVE's prestigious combat arena where only the finest future villains will master their craft.

He takes a short pause for dramatic effect.

Brother Blood: Today, we shall be simply assessing your combat skills. First, I would like for you all to pick a teammate of your choice. Go on, make it quick!

There's a short scuffle as people pair up, and I end up partnering with the eyeball guy. I have no clue where Raven went, but I decide to forget about the mission for now and focus on the task at hand instead.

Once everyone is gathered in pairs, Brother Blood instructs us to wear microfiber vests embedded with dozens of sensors. He then quickly explains that each participant is allowed a certain amount of damage before they are eliminated, and that the last team standing in the end wins. Simple.

See-More: You ready, man?

I nod.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath before opening them again.

Brother Blood: Begin!

All of a sudden, the rectangular sections making up the ground begin moving, creating uneven terrain and cubic landforms below our feet.

My eyes glint red as I explode forwards, quickly analyzing my surroundings for the nearest target. I spot that weird math guy from before and swiftly eliminate him, knocking him off his feet with some well placed body shots.

I continue eliminating other adversaries, using as little of my psychic abilities as possible since Robin was pretty adamant about us concealing them.

About 15 minutes later, most students are already out of the game. I've yet to see Raven, but from what little I'd seen of her close-combat skills, I'd be surprised if she had been eliminated.

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