Chapter 6

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Titans Tower | 11:12 AM

(3rd Person POV)

The rolling clouds blot out the sun like an ominous gray blanket spread over the top of Jump City. Occasional gusts of wind whistle past the glass windowpanes of the tower as the waves toss around in the bay below. Most of the Titans are slumped down at the kitchen counter, all barely awake despite it being close to noon.

y/n: What's wrong with you guys today?

Beast Boy: It's so cold and cloudy... I just wanna go back to bed.

y/n glances out the window and stares at the sky for a few moments.

y/n: I mean, it looks like pretty normal weather to me.

Cyborg: Yeah well, you're from Gotham.

y/n: Good point.

Robin: Where's Star? I haven't seen her all morning.

Raven: I thought she was still asleep.

There's a sudden loud clatter from behind the doorway, swiftly followed by the sight of Starfire urgently shoving some clothes into a suitcase.

Robin: Are you going somewhere?

Starfire: Yes. I am needed on my home planet Tamaran.

Cyborg: Whoa, whoa, what for?

She sighs, looking a little drained.

Starfire: Tamaran is under attack by the Drenthax army. My people require the assistance.

Beast Boy: That sounds like a big deal.

Cyborg: How long are you gonna be gone?

Starfire: I am not the sure. I may have to stay for many years.

Robin: What?!

Robin bolts up from his seat, reinvigorated.

Robin: Titans, we can't let Star face these... aliens on her own! Tamaran needs our help!

y/n: Now, now, hold on a second. Isn't it a little irresponsible to ditch our jobs so suddenly? I mean, Jump City's criminals aren't gonna wait for us while we're gone, you know.

Raven nods in agreement.

Robin: Not a problem. I'll just call for some backup.

He quickly dials a number into his phone and waits for the line.

Starfire: Would you really be willing to assist me, friends?

Beast Boy: Of course, yo! We gots to stick together.

Starfire: Oh, joy! I shall finally get to show you all my home planet. How exciting!

Raven groans, unhappy at the prospect of not seeing her room for years. Meanwhile, y/n is also still pretty unconvinced by everyone else's gung-ho mentality.

y/n: Robin, are you really planning to leave Jump City in the hands of-

Robin: The Titans East! They should be able to handle the job.

y/n stares blankly at Robin, waiting for an explanation.

Robin: You know, Kid Flash, Aqualad... they're pretty capable people.

y/n: ...Uh, sure. Look, I just don't think assisting in an interplanetary war on Tamaran is really part of our job, though.

Starfire: But then how will I show you the cuddly Blorblixes?

She pleadingly locks eyes with y/n, who looks sighs wearily, clearly uninterested in seeing said Blorblixes.

Robin: It's been a while since we used the T-ship anyway, so it's a good opportunity to go to space again.

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