Author's Note

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Author's note (a/n):

What's up guys? Hope you're having a good day so far. Real quick before we begin the story, I'm gonna clear up some important stuff:

I'm going to be taking a bunch of creative liberty here, so I won't be following too much of the canon storyline. I'll also be mixing and matching stuff from whatever reference material I think fits the story best, so don't be pissed off if things aren't consistent with their conventional descriptions. However, I won't be altering characters and personalities too much since I still want to create a pretty authentic-feeling story.

Personally I'm not the biggest fan of long-ass chapters so each one will probably be around 1500-2000 words. Lmk what you guys think about chapter length, though.

Updates will probably range from between every 1-3 weeks, depending on how busy I am at the time, although I'll do what I can to keep things as consistent as possible.

Quick warning: there will be "strong" language used throughout, as well as violence, references to alcohol, and mature themes or whatever, but nothing explicitly 18+.

By the way, any comments are strongly appreciated, since I feel like extra commentary from the readers always makes the story more fun.

Now without further ado, let's dive in. Enjoy!

- Jae

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