Chapter 11

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Jump City | 10:21 AM

(y/n POV)

Beast Boy waltzes out of the store, happily sipping his strawberry milkshake as Robin holds the door open for everyone else. The sun is beaming down from above onto the sidewalk as we make our way back towards the car which is parked a couple blocks away.

My hands are freezing cold from holding the weird birthday cake milkshake that Beast Boy had bought for me, claiming that I "need more color in my life". To give credit where it's due, he's not wrong.

Robin: You know what? It's actually pretty nice to just... relax like this every once in a while.

Starfire: This milkshake is very the delicious, although it would be better if it wasn't so cold.

Starfire proceeds to focus her laser eyes into the drink and heat it up until it starts bubbling, earning her some weird looks from a couple of passers-by before she takes an enthusiastic sip.

Raven: Star, the whole point is that it's cold. You just turned it into hot cocoa.

Beast Boy: I mean, hot cocoa's pretty good too...

Beast Boy trails off, as he shifts his attention to something on the far side of the street.

Beast Boy: Yo, hold on... is that... Cyborg?

He squints his eyes between the cars waiting for the light before pointing towards the opposing sidewalk where Cyborg is indeed walking, presumably unaware of our presence.

Beast Boy: ...Yeah, it is. Hey! Cy- mmf!

Robin quickly covers Gar's mouth with his hand as the rest of us turn to look as well.

Robin: Shh! He's with someone.

Raven: That's...

y/n: ...Jinx? What's Cyborg doing with Jinx?

Starfire gasps over-dramatically.

Starfire: Could this mean... he is plotting our demise with her? Is he the betraying us?

Robin: Hm, doesn't really look like it... actually, it kinda looks like they're-

Robin's cut short by the sound of a dull explosion nearby, followed by the sound of breaking glass and a shrill burglar alarm which pierces the air. The chatter of the crowd around us immediately fades as people begin scattering away from the source of the noise.

Beast Boy: What's going on, yo?

Robin: Sounds like a robbery... come on, let's go.

We rush over to the scene where we're subsequently met with Cyborg and Jinx, who greet us a little awkwardly.

Cyborg: Oh... Uh... Hey, guys! Funny meeting you here...

Beast Boy: Hey man, why'd you leave me to do grocery duty with these guys? Not cool, bro.

y/n: Never mind that, what are you doing with her?

I gesture over towards Jinx, who looks a little startled at the sudden nomination but plays it off with a little wave.

Jinx: Hiii...

Cyborg: Well, that's uh...

Starfire: Are you joining the HIVE, friend Cyborg? Or should I say, enemy Cyborg?

Cyborg: What? No way! I'm not joining HIVE, we were just... doing laundry, you know?

Jinx shoots a what-kind-of-excuse-is-that sort of look at Cyborg, who responds by mouthing a silent "I don't know".

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