Chapter 14

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Over the next few days, Katsuki struggled to keep his distance, but fuck, the fear ate at him like a festering wound. He found himself checking on Izuku more often than he'd care to admit, unable to shake the feeling that this might all just be some cruel dream, and Izuku would vanish from his life again. He shifted uncomfortably as he stood at the doorway, his attention fixed on Izuku lying in the hospital bed. It'd been his third time there since his initial visit, and the silence between them felt heavy, suffocating almost. It was strange, being here, in this unfamiliar atmosphere. He had spent countless hours by Izuku's side in the past, but now it felt like stepping into uncharted territory.

The last time he'd come in, Katsuki had perched on the nearby couch, his presence looming over Izuku like a silent sentinel. The tracheostomy tube had been removed from Izuku's neck, but they didn't interact much, if at all, their conversations stifled by the weight of Katsuki's outburst and the gaps in Izuku's memories. The nurse reassured Katsuki that Izuku would try when he was ready.

But today, Katsuki was determined to shatter the silence. He had made a promise to himself, and damn it, and he wasn't about to back down now.

With a determined exhale, Katsuki approached the bed, his steps heavy with the weight of uncertainty. Izuku's eyes flickered towards him, a hint of fear flashing across his features before he attempted a strained smile.

Katsuki snorted, nearly rolling his eyes, seeing right through Izuku's attempt to mask his unease. "Cut the crap, Deku," he said trying to play it cool as he rummaged through his bag, looking for something that can set a conversation in motion.

"I... uh, I brought something for you," he mumbled, pulling out a worn-out notebook from his bag. "I thought you might want this back, nerd. I know how much these meant to you."

Izuku's eyes widened in surprise as Katsuki handed him the notebook, his fingers trembling slightly as he accepted it. His gaze flitted between Katsuki and the familiar cover, fingers tracing the cover when confusion clouded his expression.

Katsuki anticipated the questions swirling in Izuku's mind.

"It's not your original," he explained, his voice softer now, tinged with regret, remembering what he'd done to the original. Shit, maybe this was a bad idea. "This is one of the many you had back at your time in UA."

Izuku's confusion only seemed to deepen, but Katsuki didn't have the patience to explain further. Or more like didn't want to say the wring thing. Instead, he leaned in closer, watching Izuku struggle to open the notebook.

With a frustrated sigh, he sat on the edge of the bed reaching out to gently take the book from Izuku's hands, before flipping it open with practiced ease, revealing the countless pages filled with Izuku's meticulous handwriting. He held it out for Izuku to see, his expression inscrutable.

Izuku initially stiffened at Katsuki's closeness, probably based on instinct and fear and honestly Katsuki couldn't blame him. But as he skimmed through the pages, his posture gradually relaxed, his focus shifting entirely to the contents of the notebook.

Relief flooded through Katsuki as he watched Izuku's guard drop. It was a small win, but he'd take it. For a moment, they sat in silence, the only sound was the rustling of paper as Katsuki turned the pages of the notebook. And for Katsuki, it was enough. It was a start, a glimmer that it was possible to fix this mess, even if it started with Izuku not knowing who he was.


From the corner of his eye, Katsuki kept watch as the steady stream of his old classmates came and went, while he lounged on the couch, trying his damnedest to look nonchalant. Even though Izuku didn't recognize any faces, he put on a show of being polite and welcoming. Ochako, Shoto, and Tenya were among the few people to drop by today, dressed down in regular clothes, but Katsuki couldn't ignore the curiosity glinting in Izuku's eyes. After waking up, he'd spent his time glued to the TV, trying to catch up with the world. It was only natural for him to wonder why so many Pro-Heroes were paying him visits.

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