Chapter 11

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This chapter is going to be shorter as it is Izuku's point of view. This chapter will be based on post-traumatic amnesia, which is described as a state of confusion that occurs immediately following a traumatic brain injury in which the injured person is disoriented and unable to remember events that occur after the injury.' Basically, for a while, during PTA, your brain doesn't work very well at recalling and storing information or your short-term memory doesn't work properly. Meaning that Izuku's perception of time and thoughts are disorienting. Enjoy!


Long Lost Memories

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*Three Years Later*:・゚✧*:・゚✧


He sat in a vast white room, his emerald eyes scanning the pristine emptiness that stretched out endlessly, devoid of any distinguishing features. The air felt stale, almost suffocating, as if time had stood still. Was this the afterlife? Would he ever see his friends again? These thoughts swirled in his mind, intertwining with the distant, unfamiliar voices that seemed to call out to him.

The whispers felt like distant echoes of forgotten memories. They tugged at his consciousness, until one grew gradually louder, as if struggling to push past the other voice. Izuku strained to catch the faint muffled voice that seemed to be desperately trying to reach him.

The voice called to him again and Izuku's head turned towards the echo. He stood up slowly from the chair, his eyes now carrying a glimmer of recognition. The vast white room seemed to blur around him as he focused on the direction of Katsuki's voice.

"Deku,come back. Do whatever it takes. We're all waiting for you...I am waiting foryou," Katsuki's voice echoed once more, "Give me one last chance.Believe in me one more time." The words penetrated Izuku's haze, stirring something within him.

Driven by an inexplicable force, Izuku stepped forward into the unknown, trusting that Katsuki's guidance would lead him back.

He drifted aimlessly through the sea of white, for what felt like days... Weeks... Years? Flickers of figures danced on the edges of his vision like elusive shadows as the emptiness slowly turned dull the further he wondered, teasing his senses as they moved with a haunting grace. In the dull haze around him, the unfamiliar whispers grew louder, echoing in his mind, their words indecipherable yet compelling. He strained to understand, but their meaning eluded him. Still, he couldn't shake the feeling that he shouldn't turn back, that going back was not an option.

But then, terror seized him as the whispers transformed into a cacophony of unintelligible yelling. Hundreds of voices merged into a chorus that drowned him in darkness. A sinister black ooze devoured the once endless expanse of white. Panic surged within him as he fought against the suffocating grip of the encroaching darkness.

Looking down, his wide eyes caught sight of grotesque creatures with black skin, jagged teeth, and exposed brains. Their heterochromatic eyes bore into him as they clawed at him, their sinister intentions clear—to consume him, to extinguish whatever light he held within. Desperation coursed through his veins as he struggled against their relentless assault, frantically trying to swim through the sea of ooze. Each strike from their jagged claws felt like a piece of his essence being ripped away. Agonizing pain ran through his body as he watched his memories dissipate like fleeting whispers, slipping through his fingers like grains of sand.

One by one, the creatures took hold of his memories, their inky black skin absorbing the fragments of his identity. Images of his friends, his time at UA, the battles he had fought—everything that had shaped him—were devoured by the relentless creatures. The once vibrant recollections faded into oblivion, leaving behind only the faintest traces of their existence.

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